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Forum Posts

Dec 02, 2021
In Velo Pro Discussion
I just wonder how it would be if we would be able to create custom code packages and share them with other Wix users or sell them. There is a lot of NPM packages (quite normal xd) but I don't think so there are code packages for especially Velo. Right now we are already able to create our custom code packages using NPM packs and Wix APIs but as I know we can not share them with anyone else. I think it would be great to create some Velo based code packages and share them with users or maybe even sell them. And sometimes something is not needed I didn't think deeply about it and I'm not the best I mean maybe this feature is not a needed feature or it would be not used so much. Would it be great to have sharable Velo based code packages? One more folder here is called "Velo Packages" and a small free and paid market. You can create your own in Wix Blocks and you can publish it to the Velo Code Package market. Just an idea (I thought about this idea like a 5min so don't judge me it's so bad like I said I didn't think so much about it :D)
Velo based code packages market. (Is that a good idea or not) content media


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