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Forum Posts

Mar 04, 2021
In Coding with Velo
I have created custom field in contact list CRM. When i used to insert data it is working fine contact created with custom field value. However i create contact on live site. Contact is created but custom field remain empty without value. Any response in highly appreciated. Thanks export function button2_click(event) { const contactInfo = { firstName: 'x', lastName: 'y', emails: [''], 'Branch':'xyz' } wixCrm.createContact( contactInfo ) .then( (contactId) => { // contact created console.log(contactId) } ); }
Jan 15, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Respected community hope all is going well. I need to ask question that i have page with videos. I want user to buy when user make payment his/her password is created and sent via email. That password remain valid for 48 hours. At the moment i use light box to check password and all is ok. But the issue is light box can be close by ESC key and user can access page. So what should i do to make sure that person must have validity of password without that can't access page. For each person password is different so password protected page can't handle. Please provide me your valuable solution. Thanks
Nov 12, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi to all I have added button on my site. Then add a wix code to make on click event. It is working fine in editor and hiding the text. But when i test it on live site in desktop button does not work. Live site on mobile button is working. Looking for help. export function button2_click(event) { $w("#text23").hide(); console.log("clciked") } TIA
Sep 29, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Resected community! I need a help regarding dataset filter. I have database with 100 record. Using wixdate queery i ahve found the records and append in array. Now i want to pass that array elements to dataset filter. SO after that i show all record in repeater after that filter/ filteredItems=["apple","car","etc"] for(var j=0;j<3;j++) { $w("#dataset1").setFilter( wixData.filter() .eq("title", filteredItems[j]) ); } after running that code it only show last index filter how it show all regards Azmat
Jul 11, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi to all I am working on wix website. I have made sample form and when user enter date by using that data pdf certificate is generated and instantly download button appear i have followed tutorial to create that. I want that when user submit data then pdf certificate generated should be store in database with url. And i want to make payment method when user click on pay button after successful payment user get that url from he can download his/her certificate. hope i will get best result Thanks for your time.
May 03, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi to all, i am posting here to get help from you awesome .. I need a custom pink strip like that on my home page as i attached in image. Is it possible to make a design like that in wix...I am looking for your kind responses....Thanks
Custom strip design content media
Mar 29, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi beautiful people. I need a help and guidance from wix masters. I want a functionality on my wix website dynamic page that when a person enter his/her post code in text input he/she gets the address of that zip code and upon selecting the address other input fileds filled automatically. I need this done using api and need you help how i can achieve this. I am attaching the image for better understanding. Looking for kind response from the helping community and wix support. Thanks
Mar 09, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi Sir/Madam, I am using wix. I get stuck in coding as i have little knowledge of coding.I have created database collection with several fields. I have added a button. I want to add on click event on that button to save the text to dataset without using any text field. I want that when user click on the button then in onclick event i can add a text without getting from any input field. I have attached the image what i want to to. Looking for kind and urgent help. Best Regards Azmat


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