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Aug 30, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I've beat my head up, down, and all around this forum, Google, and through my own abilities, and cannot understand this issue. My issue appears to be slightly different than anything I've come across. I have a simple side lightbox that contains my login/signup jumble, and it works perfectly on Desktop, however, in mobile, it will not appear. Even when I'm in mobile editor and in lightbox mode, it's faint. Almost acting as if 'hide' has been selected on it, which it has not. Another tell-tale sign that it is indeed opening is that when I check it on the live mobile site, my quick action bar hides, indicating that the lightbox is indeed being prompted to open, it's just not visually there. I click anywhere on the screen and the quick action comes back, indicating the lightbox has been closed. I have seen deleted the quick action to see if it was having an affect on the lightbox functionality, but it was the same result. Even when I set triggers to automatically open, no dice. As previously stated, it's faded out as if it's hiding, and solid once I click on it to edit. Everything is properly in the lightbox with nothing set to hide. I have created several other sites using this same design strategy for login's and can confirm that those are all functioning properly. Desktop continues to work properly throughout all these troubleshooting changes. I have absolutely no trickery code that would first hide the lightbox then close it, it is just a simple, straight-forward onClick command that opens it.
Oct 26, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I am trying to set a query that compares the current users _owner string against a db to see if they've already submitted the form. I have attempted using user _id but that is different for every submission. Users cannot submit this form twice, so I'm using _owner as that's a consistent variable. Unless there's a different, easier way to do this?
Aug 29, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Is anyone else having issues with switch buttons this morning? I use a switch to toggle an agree/not agree requirement that when switched to agree, it drops the email input and join button. It has worked perfectly up until today, and I have made no code changes to this. I have the toggle off in settings so that when members enter the dynamic pages, they have to physical click the switch to agree. As of this morning, when a member enters, it is already toggled. The member then has to click the switch off then on again to get the email to drop. To add to the strangeness, when I view this switch in preview, it's disabled.
Aug 15, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I'm currently trying to query a count in my db for a certain field and how many times it's been 'voted' on. On my form, there are several check boxes that users can select to vote on which class they'd like to attend. Those check boxes are attached to a db with boolean values. I just need to know what I put in the value of my query check. Since it's just a check mark, there isn't any text I can have it look for. Code: $w.onReady(function () { wixData.query('NewYearSurvey') let cardioCount $w('#text34').text = String(cardioCount); $w('#dataset1').onReady(() => { wixData.query('NewYearSurvey') .eq('cardioSculpt', [what goes here?]) .count() .then((num) => { cardioCount = num; }) }); }); I have set this particular boolean value on my form to 'Cardio Sculpting', but when I place this in quotes in that bolded section, it does not return my count.
Aug 14, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have a survey that allows users to choose which classes they'd be interested in being offered (Boolean). What I'd like to do is to be able to post next to each option the number of times others have chosen that particular class. I have set up voting before, but what was regards to me presenting the info for them to click on in a dynamic page. This is info based on user submissions on a multistage form. Pretty much need to get total count of values from a column, disregarding null fields.
Aug 11, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I know there's a way of doing this but I'm just not getting there through my own means: I have created a lightbox with login fields connected to an existing imported db. The email field MUST have a certain @domain address. What I would like to have happen is, when the email doesn't match the validation, a text prompts stating to use the required email format, and when it does match, it enables the continue button. When you click the continue button, it shows the password input. When that is entered, it query's for the existing match, then text will show that it matches, and enables 'enter' button. I'm not looking to create my own membership db and signup 'system', as these login's will be checked against existing data, not creating new data. But, most importantly, I am looking for the proper way to code these text alerts that can be shown without having to hit the submit button to be triggered. Any and all help is welcome! Below is the minimal code that I'm currently chipping away on and adding to based on reading and research. It's not correct, but it's where I ended up at before turning to the forum: $w("#input1").onCustomValidation( (value, reject) => { if( !value.endsWith("") ) { reject("Email must be a address."); $w('#text4').show(); } else { $w('#input1').resetValidityIndication(); $w('#button1').enable(); $w('#text4').hide(); } });
Aug 02, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have dug around other posts but they all seemed to pertain to people that were making their own custom login/signup forms and db's. Mainly due to time and deadlines, I am simply using the Wix Members App, which is fine. It does what I need it to do. However, the client wants a checkbox at signup that a user must select to be able to signup (terms and agreement). I have been researching and reading Wix updates and thought I had read an announcement about the release of being able to edit the Wix dialogue, but am not sure if they relate to me and haven't found specific documentation for it (Just a notice in feature updates). I'm just looking for something much like what you see when you've added the forum app and enabled users to join on signup. If this isn't possible, how could I code for the site to recognize a new signup and then either redirect to an agreement page, or even possibly a lightbox? Any and all info and help is greatly appreciated! MUCH MUCH much appreciation in advance, everyone. :-) Brett
Jul 27, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have a table that populates in the member section and is filtered to the owner. What I am trying to achieve is to have the owner select a row in the table and have it remove from the dataset, then refresh. I am trying to accomplish this from onCellSelect so that I can control how the rows get removed. If cell value equals 'Leave class', then it removes row containing the selected cell. I believe I'm close, but am not sure. Code below removes row, but only the first (current?) row and not that of the selected cell. The popup notice also flashes in and out quickly, but unsure how or where to place in the code to have it perform correctly:
[SOLVED] Remove row on cell select - help! content media
Jul 24, 2018
In Coding with Velo
This is a simplified edit from my original post that is still giving me fits, and I'm hoping for a solution! *crosses fingers* I have a _beforeInsert hook that contains a promise that runs on the backend data.js file that searches for dups in the db. It works. However, after banging my head on my screen, wall, and desk for days, I am still not getting how to have text (#errorMessage) triggered when promise is rejected. I have tried adding $w('#errorMessage) under my reject(); code, but it alerts me that it isn't a valid selector. This seems like it should be easy, but apparently it's beyond my comprehension. My data.js code: import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function FitnessSignup_beforeInsert(item, context) { console.log("in before insert hook"); console.log("user is " + item.combine); let p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { console.log("in promise body"); let user_q = wixData.query("FitnessSignup").eq("combine", item.combine); user_q.count().then(count => { console.log("after big_q returns"); if (count === 0) { console.log("count is zero, no dups found, resolving the promise to the original 'item' so the insert can proceed"); resolve(item); } else{ console.log("count is more than zero, rejecting the promise with an error message"); reject("count is more than 0, dups found!"); } }) }); return p; }


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