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Forum Posts

Dec 11, 2017
In Coding with Velo
It's pretty clear that reference fields are not fully supported at this time. The various questions here, including the one that I posted, demonstrate that there is missing functionality. Suggestions that people use code to create workarounds for missing functionality are helpful to create workarounds but not satisfactory as a long-term solution. Will someone please give us an idea of when additional support for reference fields will be available? Thank you.
Dec 07, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I'm new to Wix and Wix Code but have years (decades, really :)) of experience with other databases. I'm helping a friend who is starting a new small business and, so far, I've been able to figure out how to do most of the things I wanted to do. However, I'm stumped on this one. The database will have a variety of collections that will be linked using reference fields. In Oracle, we'd simply call those joined tables. An example would be a table of employers and another table of employer contacts. Each contact will belong to one employer but any employer might have many contacts. I can add employers without any problem. I have also defined a collection for employer contacts and created a reference field in there that links to the employer name in the employer collection. What I can't figure out how to do -- and can't find any documentation regarding -- is how to create a web form that will let a user add a new employer contact. Clearly, they will need to specify which employer a contact record belongs to. They can't do that by retyping the employer name -- there could be all sorts of mistakes with that approach. Instead, they need to be able to specify which employer a contact is being created for. I have a bunch of similar needs, all of which represent exactly the same technical issue. The solution to one is the solution to all of them. I would appreciate guidance in any form. A reference to a manual or written documentation would be great. Video documentation would be acceptable. I'd even be grateful for a simple list of steps take to accomplish this pretty basic task. Thanks!


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