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Forum Posts

Mar 13, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I am working on updating our website to have it's dynamic content stored in database collections, and in doing so am doing things one bit at a time. I have completed one collection and the accompanying pages and all is fine. Now though, when I go to add a new collection my first collection just completely disappears. It's not instantly apparent in the editor, but after I save and publish and then leave the editor the old one is just gone. If I follow the recovery process of creating a new collection with the same name, the data is retained, but then the new one I am trying to create disappears in the process. A few minutes ago I opened the editor and the Wix Collections feature wasn't even on my site (even though i've been using it for a couple of weeks) and I had to re-add it. I attempted making another collection again and the same issue occurred. I am at a loss, it seems like some sort of a glitch at this point and Wix twitter support directed me here.


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