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Forum Posts

Alex Cazacov
Dec 26, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I've recently started a website and I would like to make some text dissapear after 5 seconds after the site loads, and then some new text that was hidden, should appear on the site, anyone have an idea of how I can do that? This was my attempt that didn't work. // API Reference: // “Hello, World!” Example: $w.onReady(function () {     setInterval(function(){ $w("#text55").hide("fade", ) }, 0);     setInterval(function(){ $w("#text23").hide("fade", ) }, 5000);     setTimeout(function(){ $w("#text55").show("fade", ) }, 6000); }); The second (setInterval(function(){ $w("#text23").hide("fade", ) }, 5000);) line of code in the first function works as expected text dissapears after 5s, but then the text that is supposed to apear at second 6 appears only for 1second and then dissapears, while I was expecting it to stay on the page for a specific time, which I do not how to set to be honest, someone pls help. Thanks, Alex

Alex Cazacov

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