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Forum Posts

Oct 11, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I am trying to place code in a button on my little wix website. the url is The code is not working as expected. The user enters the username and password and clicks the LOGIN button, and the code placed in the button is supposed to bring them to the site. It brings them there, but it does not automatically log them in. The link to the Simplicity Help site with the recommended code is : You will find the code on Page 308. I copied the code word for word, customizing the code as recommended- PIN number, login page, etc. Still the same problem. After reading the link sent by wix support, I am guessing that the issue has something to do with the code being HTTP, not HTTPS. ALso there are no <p> or </p> in the code, as recommended. Ii am at a loss, not a professional programmer, any help is appreciated.


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