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Forum Posts

Clayton Morgan
Nov 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi there, I want to create a flowing piece of text, made up from both text from a dataset that will change depending on the URL and text which will remain constant. I've tried using the editor add text and linking to the dataset but it's not flowing. How do I grab text from a dataset, then next is text that doesn't change, then text from another dataset, so that it's all within one text block ? Thanks in advance for your help.
Clayton Morgan
Nov 18, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I have a client that wants to sell a ticket only, and then another ticket that includes a drink. I don't know how many of each option will sell, but the venue only takes 120. How do I set it up so that the market determines how many of each ticket type we sell, but we won't sell more than 120 in total? At the moment I have to put a number for just tickets and a number for ticket and drink. Thanks in advance for your help.
Clayton Morgan
Apr 30, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I need help finishing off this code please. I want to check a database (linked to some dynamic pages) called prospects under the field called showMenu which will have a boolean entry - true or false. If it's true I want a strip called menuStrip to show and if it's false for it not to. The error message is saying that 'item' is not defined. Thanks for your help!!
Help finishing off code to check a database... content media
Clayton Morgan
Feb 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
My website hosts different events for different users using the Wix Events App. I'd like the organiser of each event to be able to view live information about their event, tickets sold, who's coming etc... basically everything the Admin of the site can see about any of the events hosted on the site. Is this possible? Many thanks!
Clayton Morgan
Nov 02, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi guys, need some help please. I have a dataset that I'm wanting to filter by user email, ie only showing that members information. Then I need another filter applied to only show events now and in the future. I've put in the below code (thanks to other members help!) and I'm successfully filtering by member email, but not the date filter. Any ideas, suggestions, tutorials etc Appreciate any and all help. Thanks. $w.onReady(function () { let user = wixUsers.currentUser; let userId =; // "r5cme-6fem-485j-djre-4844c49" let isLoggedIn = user.loggedIn; // true let userRole = user.role; // "Member" user.getEmail() .then((email) => { let userEmail = email; // "" console.log(userEmail); console.log(userId); $w("#events").setFilter(wixData.filter() .eq("email", userEmail) ); }); }); $w.onReady(function () { // filtering by the date in Screening Date & Time. var today = new Date(); $w('#events').setFilter(wixData.filter().ge('screeningDateTime', today)); });
Clayton Morgan
Oct 15, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I want to create a membership site where members can retrieve information specifically for them from a dataset, filtered by the logged in member, but that dataset is managed by the Admin only. They don't touch it. Is this possible? I've seen a tutorial about how to show the information that a Member has uploaded, but I'm struggling to show data filtered for a logged in member when they aren't the owner of that data (ie it was created by the Admin). I've also seen how to show data uploaded by everyone but the logged in Member, but this also isn't useful for what I would like to achieve. Any help greatly appreciated!! Thanks.

Clayton Morgan

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