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Cristina Vittoria Marazzi
Jan 30, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I would like to add the option to reset the informations in a data filters, to let the costumers go back from start with the research. Let me explain, we have this web site in this page you can search for a house, based on location and price. But i need to add on datafilters value an option like: for location " everywere" How could I fix this in dataset? The code is following : import {wixData} from 'wix-data'; export function button24_click_1(event, $w) { $w("#dynamicDataset").setFilter(wixData.filter() .contains(("citta", $w('#dropdown1').value) .contains("tipologia", $w('#dropdown5').value) .between("prezzo",parseFloat($w('#dropdown2').value), parseFloat($w('#dropdown4').value))) .then((results)=> { console.log("Dataset is now filtered"); $w("#repeater2").data = results.items; }).catch((err)=> { console.log(err); }); $w("#repeater2").expand(); } Let me say that in this part : console.log(err); }); ( HERE IS WRITTEN NOW, UNEXPECTED TOKEN ( BUT FEW DAYS AGO WAS OK ) $w("#repeater2").expand(); } THANKS
Cristina Vittoria Marazzi
Jan 25, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Dear All, I just need and help to fix a code in a dynamic page collection. In this page of a Real Estate company, we need to add another filter, "TIPOLOGIA" that shall work with : .contains, 'cause it is a text but I guess I did something wrong 'cause it is not working. Please find the following code : import {wixData} from 'wix-data'; export function button24_click_1(event, $w) { $w("#dynamicDataset").setFilter(wixData.filter() .contains(("citta", $w('#dropdown1').value) .contains("tipologia", $w('#dropdown5').value) .between("prezzo",parseFloat($w('#dropdown2').value), parseFloat($w('#dropdown4').value))) .then((results)=> { console.log("Dataset is now filtered"); $w("#repeater2").data = results.items; }).catch((err)=> { console.log(err); }); $w("#repeater2").expand(); } Here you could find the code with the string contain the TIPOLOGIA filter as well, but in the on line page I just removed to make the page working correctly for now. All the other string work correctly Any suggestions ?
Cristina Vittoria Marazzi
May 18, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Dear Wix team, I'm trying to use a iubenda code on a web site, they give us 3 codes options. I'm trying to paste the code in a specific slide, as a pop up slide, but is not working at all, one one of the 3 code that I have. We could also just paste the link but I prefer to find the way to use the code and integrate the cookies policy and privacy policy in my web site. Do you might have any suggestion about how shall I do it? Thanks

Cristina Vittoria Marazzi

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