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Daniel Zeagler
Aug 04, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I have a database of gift card numbers that I would like my customers to be able to search for their card number and get a balance. I've uploaded all my card number into a database (GiftCardDatabase) in wix with the "sCardNumber" and "sRemainingBalance" headers. Any help would be awesome! Here is the site and a card number I know to have a balance: Card Number - # 2087010042842273 Remaining Balance $32.42 I wrote the following code but when I execute the search, nothing shows up in my result table. import wixData from "wix-data"; export function balancebutton_click(event) { wixData.query("GiftCardDatabase") .contains("sCardNumber", $w("#searchbox").value) .find() .then(res => { $w("#resultsTable").rows = res.items; }); $w.onReady(function () { $w("#resultsTable").columns = [{ "id": "col1", "sCardNumber": "Card Number", "label": "Card Number", "visible":true, "type": "string", }, { "id": "col2", "sRemainingBalance": "Remaining Balance", "label": "Remaining Balance", "visible":true, "type": "string", },]; }); }

Daniel Zeagler

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