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Phoenix of Music
Jun 09, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Following situation: I imagined creating different subdomain websites to one main website. Now I would like to record visitor data on a subdomain page and store it on that subdomain page as well. At the same time, I would like to store parts of this data in a database on the main page. Here's an example: The following data is recorded on a subdomain page: Name xy, date of birth, place of birth. All this data is stored in a database of the subdomain side. - So far so good -Now I would like to save the date and place of birth in a database on the main page without having to export the data manually. So there should be some kind of API interface between these two pages. Can someone help me there? And also asked by the way. Is it possible to combine the main site and subdomain site pricing plans into one, so that there is no need for two member menus?
Phoenix of Music
May 31, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I'm trying to interface with Wikipedia through the Wix Fetch API. The code is executed in the backend. The response returns undefined, even though the console has all the data ready. Does anyone have an idea why this is?
Fetch response returns undefined even though the console shows the source fetched. content media
Phoenix of Music
Nov 10, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone, is there a way to change the value of a timepicker to any number of hours, minutes and Seconds to add? Here's an example: Someone decides to attend an event. The event starts at 8 am and lasts approximately 1.5 hours. I would now like to display the time by which you are finished. Does anyone have any ideas about this? I tried to add an addhour element to the timepicker, but it didn't work. I had imagined the following: Date newDate = DateUtils.addHours(oldDate, 3);
Phoenix of Music
Aug 26, 2021
In Coding with Velo
The idea is to create user-based rankings. Unfortunately, this data cannot be saved in a database beforehand, which is why it can only be calculated when the user (s) is/are on the relevant page. So I'm looking for a way to sort the repeater elements on the basis of dynamic visitor data (e.g. locations or coordinates or the visiting time on the site). Is that possible?
Phoenix of Music
Apr 20, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hello everybody, I planned to provide a kind of interactive element where, as soon as you click on an icon, a chat channel is opened.I've already gone through the entire Velo reference forum, but despite the instructions, I was unable to write any code. As soon as I call up the chat ID, I always get the ID from the visitors themselves, but never the ID of the producer of the dynamic page. Does somebody has any idea? So far I've tried this: import wixChatBackend from 'wix-chat-backend'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; let channelInfo = $w(PrivatesMembersData).id $w("#myChatbox").getChannel(channelInfo) .then((channel) => { const channelImage = channel.displayData.image; const lastMessageText = channel.messages[0].payload.text; }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); });

Phoenix of Music

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