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Forum Posts

Aug 19, 2021
In Coding with Velo
We have a site that requires all members to register and we use standard member registration. As part of Wix security, it sends out an email to some members to ask them to confirm their email address. This is an issue as we already sent out a triggered email on member registration which does go out but they can also receive an email directly for Wix which it looks like we cannot inhibit. This is a bit confusing for the members. We already have their email in a table as their company is required to pre register. We validate this and so members can only sign up if they are pre registered. 1. Can we do anything in Velo which will inhibit sending the Wix verification email? 2. When the Wix email goes out, which sending address would appear in the email? I think this should be controlled by the configuration in INBOX SETTINGS but a bit difficult to test as we cannot control how it is triggered. Any insights welcome.
Apr 29, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Added the components needed (public elements, node module chart.js v2.9.3 MIT) to create chart from the example at The collection is reading and returning data set (logged to console) but the graph does not display. No errors being logged. Has anyone got this working?
Nov 29, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I have a simple collection with 9 fields. Each field comes from a drop down with the same 4 entries. I want to calculate a score from the submission, store in the collection, return an image and relevant text for that score following the form submission. So each field has 4 options with the value I would like assigned as shown in brackets here. Drop down options Not at all (0) Several days (1) More than half the days (2) Nearly everyday (3) You can therefore get a score of between 0 and 27 with all fields mandatory and the person submitting would see the score, associated text and an image. I am new to the database side so wondered if anyone could help.


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