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Forum Posts

Jun 26, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I hope that someone might be able to help me with a problem I'm having. I've contacted Wix support, but I'm just receiving generic responses that don't really answer my question. I've recently completed a website for a client, and the mobile version has been working perfectly on iPhones, but it's completely wonky on Androids. In all the websites I've created, I may have to tweak something here or there that looks different on my actual phone screen than it does in Wix mobile editor, but I've never had a problem like this. I know that there are obviously issues sometimes with browsers or phones that haven't been updated, etc. But this is happening on a variety of Android devices (all using Chrome). I've had the client restart his phone, clear his browsing history, cookies, and cache (which has usually always taken care of any issues I've encountered), but still nothing. It's not just text displaying incorrectly/in the wrong place/cut off, it's also elements missing entirely. I could see if it was one person here or there, but across ALL Android devices I've tested it on, while everything looks absolutely perfect on every iPhone I've tested it on? That just seems bizarre. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be incredibly grateful. Thank you so much for your help! All my best, Elizabeth
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