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#TheFreekid (Chris Walls)
Feb 26, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I have set up my light box to load on first page the viewer see's. The registration button, email and password boxes that I have setup is registering new members, but the ".then" function is not redirecting. I had to do a direct link in the button settings to get it to go to the page I wanted. What I am trying to accomplish is, I would like to have the light box only pop up once per day, per visitor (Non-members). If they are members, I would prefer that the light box not pop up everyday, if the members account is stays logged in. I also tried to have the ".then" go to the users profile after registering or logging in. It goes to a "404" page' /profile '); This is the coded I have set now, import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $w.onReady(function (){ $w('#registerNow').onClick(function (){ let email = $w('#registerEmail').value; let password = $w('#registerPassword').value; wixUsers.register(email, password) .then(()=>{''); }); }); }); export function registerNow_click(event) {''); } Any support would be greatly appreciated, wix support contact referred me here. My name is Chris and I am the owner of
Light box for registration content media

#TheFreekid (Chris Walls)

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