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Forum Posts

Oct 25, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Implementing the Event Tracking Code on selected buttons works fine - on Header & Footer. For some unknown reason, the same code on the page (not header\footer) is working in its tracking abilities, but breaking the button link. Even stranger than that - right clicking "open in a new tab" actually works! Any Ideas?
Oct 25, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi there WIXcode heros. After talking to the support help-desk, I was unable to track clicks that takes place 'inside' Menus \ Search Bar \ Calendars. As for a buttons - I open the "Properties", add a On-Click lable, and then I used this code: import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; export function downloadButton_click(event, $w) { wixWindow.trackEvent("CustomEvent", { "event": "Document Download", "eventCategory": "Downloads", "eventAction": "Download", "eventLabel": $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem().title } ); } And it works just fine! - My Google Analytics reads the Event! But when entering a Menu 'Properties' ,for example, there is no 'On-Click', and further than that... there is no real separation between the different buttons there, to configure individually, each one as a different 'Event'. I could replace the menu for buttons to by-pass this, but... On a Wix-Hotel "Search Bar", or - Calendar, its not really possible, since its connected to the data base (CRM), and therefor impossible to replace by buttons... (or is it?) Thanks so much for your help!


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