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Forum Posts

Oct 07, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I need help please :-) I have a table 'Players' and it contains a referenced column ('league') to other table 'Leagues' (which contains: _id[wix guids], title [1,2,3,etc]). I would like to query all the Players related to League "1". I succeed to filter when I used the _id value (guid) but I don't want to use it, instead I would like to filter using the title value ("1"). but when doing as described, no results are returned. wixData.query("Players") .include("league") .eq("league", "1") .find() .then() wixData.query("Players") .include("league") .eq("league.title", "1") //also didnt work, is there any solutions like this? .find() .then() Thanks!


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