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Forum Posts

May 24, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I'm using 2 date Pickers: The first ($w"#dateStart") is to set the start date for a service and the second ($w"#dateEnd") is to set the End Date of the service. How can I code the second date picker so that the minimum selection date should be that of the first date picker? Im using wrong this code: export function dateStart_change(event) { let theMinDate = $w("#dateStart").minDate; $w("#dateEnd").value = theMinDate(); }
May 14, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I followed step by step all the tutorial and followed all the instructions of this video. It works, only for 1 day... I repeated the steps, procedure and it worked... for 1 more day... The issue is that I'm using a GMAIL account, and SendGrid blocked 2 times my both gmails. Then I tryed, for a 3 time with Yahoo Mail but it didn't works ever. I'm wondering if there's any solution with GMAIL that be permanent. Can you please share the Code I need to use for GMAIL, please? Cheers!
May 13, 2019
In Coding with Velo
hello, I have an API from Google Ads, which I use for my clients to grant me administrator permissions in their advertising accounts. The code is in PHP (Java is an option too), is it possible to integrate the API into my wix site? If possible, how could I do it? Here the library available: Any help will be appreciate! Thanks!
May 12, 2019
In Coding with Velo
How to change the color of a vector when passing the mouse over? I have a menu made with vectors and when I pass the mouse over I would like them to change their color. I am using the following code: export function vectorImage97_mouseIn (event) {     $w("#vectorImage1").style.color = "#FFFFFF"; } Obviously it does not work with vectors, only with buttons. Can someone help me to modify it to works with vector images, please? Thanks!
May 12, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I think it would be an awesome feature. I wonder if there's any options to turn my wix site into a PWA. If so, can you please help me ?
Nov 11, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi guys, I hope you can help me, please! I'm trying to write a code that allows to disable an input field (switch, dropdown, text or button) if the user is NOT a client and at the same time enable the same input field if the user is already a client. The only way to know if the user is a Client or not is referred into a database collection managed by the ADMIN only. This database collection is a private collection that only the admin can edit and access; the collection's name is 'ClientProfile'. Then the user has 3 options: a) If "(${Plan}).text" equals "Demo" then enable "switchDemo" and disable "switchBasic" and disable "switchPro". b) If "(${Plan}).text" is equal to "Basic" then enable "switchDemo" and "switchBasic" and disable "switchPro" c) If "(${Plan}).text" is equal to "Pro" then enable the 3 switch / Demo / Basic and / Pro. Using the functions "onClick" and / or "onChange" don't work here because the client has already chosen his plan before. On this page, the client can complete the enable input fields that correspond directly to the plan that the client purchased. And they can see the disabled options and features of other available plans (to upgrade). I tryed this code, with no success: $w.onReady(function () { let thePlan = $w('#textPlan').text; if (thePlan === 'Demo') { $w('#switchDemo').enable(); $w('#switchBasic').disable(); $w('#switchPro').disable(); } if (thePlan === 'Basic') { $w('#switchDemo').enable(); $w('#switchBasic').enable(); $w('#switchPro').disable); } if (thePlan === 'Pro') { $w('#switchDemo').enable(); $w('#switchBasic').enable(); $w('#switchPro').enable(); } }); How would you do it? I look forward to your comments. I´ll really appreciate your help :D
Enable input elements for Clients and Disable input elements for Demo... ¡Please Help! content media


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