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Forum Posts

Jun 07, 2023
In Velo Pro Discussion
Hello everyone, I am currently in the process of designing my website and I have encountered a rather difficult step that I need assistance with. Specifically, what I want to achieve is to create a product page with a download button that links to the Samsung Store where my products are available for download. Here is my product page screenshot: The challenge that I am facing is that I have multiple products that follow the same design and layout on the product page. However, each product has its own unique download link on the Samsung Store. Therefore, I would like to be able to change the download link on the product page according to the specific product being showcased. I have tried using an icon hyperlink (I marked yellow in the screenshot), but it only allows me to link to one page/link... at a time. I also attempted to connect the Dataset, but I encountered an issue where the resulted link does not correspond to its respective product, instead linking to the 1st link in the dataset results when the button is clicked. Is there anyone who can help me with this issue? I would greatly appreciate any assistance provided. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you!
How to make a download button link to a right link in dataset according to the product image or text going with the link? content media


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