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Forum Posts

Jun 26, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Sorry for not using the correct terminology but i'm a complete begginer to wix code and am still learning. I will be providing / selling music services. For example, a user uploads a music track for it to be mixed and processed in our music studio; the user then pays for this service while uploading the track (this is all done using a third party form as Wix Stores and forms doesn't currently offer the option to sell services etc). I would like each user to be able to monitor the status of their order and view previous orders. Since I can't see a way of this information being available automatically using wix code at the moment; is there a way of me updating each customers profile page manually with the status of the current order and previous orders? Lastly, is there a way of visually customizing these order / profile pages? Most demos of wix code I have seen look like plane table layouts. Otherwise I would be happy to manually create a page for each user although I don't think wix offers individual password protected pages for discrete users (i think wix only offers general member pages). I have attached an image of the kind of page I would like each user to see - like i said, i'm happy to manually edit the status of the order either through WYSYWIG methods or through wix code. But i need some advise as to the capabilities of wix code for this kind of service or what direction I should take.
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