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Forum Posts

Feb 20, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi there, On my client's site I've built a guestbook ("Gästebuch"), with a form to submit the reviews ("Eintragen"). So you add your name, the message and optionally upload an picture. After you push on the "submitbutton"("Senden") you will be redirected to a "thank you page" and your informations will be put in the database, which is connected to a repeater. On the desktopversion everything works fine, you can add your information and will be redirected to the thank you page. On the mobile version, you can add your information, but after you clicked on the submit button you won't be redirected to the thank you page. I've tried to renew the button, relinked the button, set a link to the button, reconnected to the database, nothing worked..So on the mobile version you have to refresh the site after you pushed the submit button. Is it a bug? Or do I have to code something special for the mobile version? I hope you will find the guestbook even everything is in german:-D Thank you Angela
Feb 20, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi there, I've got a problem with one of my Mouseover animations.. On my client's site I've combinded a "FadeIn" animation with a Mouseover effect (onMouseIn), So when you hover over an image it shows a box. If you hover away(onMouseOut) from this box, the box will "FadeOut" and the image will be shown again. So now the problem is, everytime you don't wait till the animation is ready, for example you only hover very quick over this image and hover away, the first image disapears and you hae the refresh the site. Is that a bug? Or did I miss something? Thank you Angela
Animation breaks up - Image gone content media


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