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Apr 16, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hey guys! One of my website is using the filter feature to enhance the navigation through one collection. One issue I found is that when a Shoe size (for example) is running out of stock, the filter continue to display this size. I need to manually go to the product, manage variants and hide the sold out shoe size. Is there anyway to add some lines of code on the collection page to make automatically-hide the variants of the product that are out of stock? Here is the website page: Thanks for your help.
Feb 23, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I would like my customers to be able to import a file while on product page. On Wix Stores, you cannot let your customer customize the product by importing his/her own file/picture. So I wonder if it's possible to add this "Import file" option and to link it to the "Add to cart" button. Thanks in advance for your help.
Jan 28, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I made a form with Corvid which you can see at the following address: All is working well when I'm testing with Wix editor preview mode => when I click the submit button at the end, the datas are saved in the database board, the email is sent and the visitor is redirected on the chosen page. But on the live version nothing happens when I click on the button. Here is my code if it can be of any help: import wixCRM from 'wix-crm'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; import {sendEmail} from 'backend/email'; //clicked buttons datas let userId =; $w.onReady(() => { let toSave = { _id: userId }; $w("#button3, #button4, #button5, #button6, #button7, #button8, #button9, #button10, #button11, #button12, #button13, #button14, #button15, #button16, #button17, #button18, #button19, #button20, #button21, #button22, #button23").onClick(event => { switch ( { case "button3": toSave.maisonIndividuelle = "oui"; $w('#group4').hide(); $w('#group5').show(); break; case "button4": toSave.maisonIndividuelle = "non"; break; case "button5": toSave.pieceAIsoler = "Combles et grenier"; $w('#group5').hide(); $w('#group6').show(); break; case "button6": toSave.pieceAIsoler = "Sous-sol et cave"; $w('#group5').hide(); $w('#group6').show(); break; case "button7": toSave.pieceAIsoler = "Garage"; $w('#group5').hide(); $w('#group6').show(); break; case "button8": toSave.pieceAIsoler = "Toute ma maison"; $w('#group5').hide(); $w('#group6').show(); break; case "button9": toSave.foyer = "1"; $w('#group6').hide(); $w('#group7').show(); break; case "button10": toSave.foyer = "2"; $w('#group6').hide(); $w('#group7').show(); break; case "button11": toSave.foyer = "3"; $w('#group6').hide(); $w('#group7').show(); break; case "button12": toSave.foyer = "4"; $w('#group6').hide(); $w('#group7').show(); break; case "button13": toSave.foyer = "5 et +"; $w('#group6').hide(); $w('#group7').show(); break; case "button14": toSave.revenuAnnuel = "- de 19 074€"; $w('#group7').hide(); $w('#group8').show(); break; case "button15": toSave.revenuAnnuel = "19 074€-27 896€"; $w('#group7').hide(); $w('#group8').show(); break; case "button16": toSave.revenuAnnuel = "27 896€-33 547€"; $w('#group7').hide(); $w('#group8').show(); break; case "button17": toSave.revenuAnnuel = "33 547€-39 192€"; $w('#group7').hide(); $w('#group8').show(); break; case "button18": toSave.revenuAnnuel = "39 192€-44 860"; $w('#group7').hide(); $w('#group8').show(); break; case "button19": toSave.revenuAnnuel = "+ de 44 860€"; $w('#group7').hide(); $w('#group8').show(); break; case "button20": toSave.m2 = "-50m2"; $w('#group8').hide(); $w('#group9').show(); break; case "button21": toSave.m2 = "50-100m2"; $w('#group8').hide(); $w('#group9').show(); break; case "button22": toSave.m2 = "100-200m2"; $w('#group8').hide(); $w('#group9').show(); break; case "button23": toSave.m2 = "+200m2"; $w('#group8').hide(); $w('#group9').show(); break; } }) //submit, save and send $w("#button24").onClick(event => { toSave.nom = $w("#input1").value; toSave.prenom = $w("#input2").value; toSave.cp = $w("#input5").value; = $w("#input6").value; let subject = `Nouveau lead : ${$w("#input1").value}`; let body = `Informations du lead : Nom : ${$w("#input1").value} Prénom : ${$w("#input2").value} Code postal : ${$w("#input5").value} Téléphone : ${$w("#input6").value}`;"OneClickForm", toSave) .then(() => sendEmail(subject, body)) .then(() =>"/formulaire-valide")); }) })
Jan 23, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I made a form with Corvid which contains two types of data: The clicked ones, for example if the visitor clicks on "Yes" I would like the email contains this data; The input ones : name, first name, postcode and phone. So far, I'm having an issue because I cannot find how to integrate the clicked data (= text on button so "Yes" in that case) into the body of the email sent after submission. Here is my code: import wixCRM from 'wix-crm'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; import {sendEmail} from 'backend/email'; let userId =; $w.onReady(() => { let toSave = {_id: userId}; $w("#button3, #button4").onClick(event => { switch({ case "button3": toSave.maisonIndividuelle = "oui"; $w('#group4').hide(); $w('#group9').show(); break; } }) $w.onReady(function () { $w("#dataset1").onAfterSave(sendFormData); }); function sendFormData() { const subject = `Nouveau lead : ${$w("#input1").value}`; const body = `Informations du lead : Nom : ${$w("#input1").value} Prénom : ${$w("#input2").value} Code postal : ${$w("#input5").value} Téléphone : ${$w("#input6").value}`; sendEmail(subject, body) .then(response => console.log(response)); } }) Thanks for your help.
Jan 22, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I am designing a multi-steps form on Wix. On the first five questions the visitor does not need to type any information, he/she just has to click the correct information and it moves automatically to the next question. I cannot find how to connect the clicked button text with my dataset. For example: First question is "Do you own your house?" 2 option buttons : "Yes" or "No" If the visitor clicks on "Yes" I would like that "Yes" shows up in my dataset board. Thanks for your help.


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