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Forum Posts

Dec 01, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Alright, so I've set this up in the past, with 3 slides and it works perfectly, but now with 6 it doesn't. This is what I've built out: I'm using the changeSlide() function. The problem is that currently if I leap from training to Trainer development (for example)- it only progresses up the number i've identified (change slide 5 times), not to the appropriate slide (slide 5). Is there a function for something akin to "goto slide 5" instead of change slide? Forgive my ignorance- I'm completely self taught. Thanks in advance
Button to open specific slide number content media
May 18, 2020
In Coding with Velo
First time working in corvid and I'm trying to get a button to change to a specific slide. The slide deck is saying not valid selector though I'm using the property ID listed (yes I checked the cases). I feel like I'm probably just doing something obvious. Any ideas what I did wrong? Thanks!
Property ID still says "not a valid selector" content media


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