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Aug 31, 2019
In Coding with Velo I have zero custom code at the moment, I deleted those pages yesterday to troubleshoot this issue since they were not in use anyhow. My site had been live for over 2 months now and no changes had been made since then. Wednesday morning all of the sudden it looks like it does now. It is not a DNS issue as the page is connecting properly to the domain (code behind this as well as favicon displaying) and it is not an SSL error. When I look at the developer console in the browser I see an error for the Wix events and warmup.js missing but Wix has so far refused to help me on this issue claiming it is DNS because of the way we set up the domain but clearly the site does connect properly, it's just not rendering. Any thoughts? I am not the techiest person when it comes to websites so any help is very much appreciated and I need this site up ASAP.
Feb 19, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Has anyone created a blog on WiX using Javascript? Or better yet, altered the existing one? I need a blog with.... a) no "members", so no logging in necessary b) no commenting (informational purposes only type feed) --- done these 2 already with the settings ---- c) be able to subscribe for new posts, get an email when a new one is published. Option C I am having troubles with, How do I subscribe without the login area? I see blogs all over the Internet with this ability, how can I achieve that here?
Feb 15, 2019
In Coding with Velo I tried to implement this and have collapsible menus like this. I keep getting an error when I click on the text or the box but when I click on the arrow it works....? I keep double checking I have everything named and events made.... not sure what I am missing here. EDIT: I redid the boxes and arrows so it reflects more of the example, however, now the boxes aren't collapsing when I open another box. ERROR: TypeError: $w(...).hide is not a function function toggleFold(index) { let $fold = $w('#fold' + index); let $arrowDown = $w('#arrowDown' + index); let $arrowRight = $w('#arrowRight' + index); // toggle the fold at the index if ($fold.collapsed) { $fold.expand(); $; $arrowRight.hide(); } else { $fold.collapse(); $arrowDown.hide(); $; } // collapse the other folds [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] .filter(idx => idx !== index) .forEach(idx => { $w('#fold' + idx).collapse(); $w('#arrowDown' + idx).hide(); $w('#arrowRight' + idx).show(); }) } export function headerBox1_onClick(event) { toggleFold(1); } export function headerBox2_onClick(event) { toggleFold(2); } export function headerBox3_onClick(event) { toggleFold(3); } export function headerBox4_onClick(event) { toggleFold(4); } ....these repeat to #17


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