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Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Jan 12, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Good day! I have the need to connect or display information on a completely seperate Wix Website from a different Wix Website. (In other words, there's a Wix Site that has a database collection with information, and I need to display the information from that collection in a different Wix Site.= How could I go about doing that? Thank you very much in advance!
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Apr 10, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hello there, I need some desire assistance. I'm working on a site but I'm working on adding some security features. I have a database where people put their email (database is called email). Yet, on a dynamic page informaiton is displayed, now the problem the that anyone can access this information as long as they are signed into the page. I've been playing around with code but I'm not able to figure it out. :-( I require that only the user email associated with the dynamic page can have permission to access the page. I know the databases assign a ID to each entry. If that ID could somehow be validated to be checked with the email in the dynamic page it would probably work.
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Dec 19, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hi! Is it possible to somehow have a databse (w/dataset) that is connect to the Wix Member Login?
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Dec 19, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello Wixers, Is it at all possible to share databases among two Wix websites? I want to create an "admin" website for a business, yet in order to workaround the one-universal login I had to make this admin dashboard in a seperate Wix site. Which is somewhat frustrating. Unless, it's possible to restrict a web page to a specific user? Or even to make a specific restrictred "user/workgroup". If not, I think the last (if possible) solution would be to somehow share a database among two Wix sites. Respectfully, Jason LaPierre
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Dec 10, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello Wix, Is it at all possible using Wix Code to set that (with being connected to a button) that when a user enters a specific text in a text box that when they push for example a "Next" button that it will only let them proceed if the text they entered is exactly the same as something already in a database? I'm afraid I don't know how to code, but this could be very useful in multiple applications of use. Thanks, Jason
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Nov 19, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I made a previous post relating to log in but another question just came up in my mind. Would it be possible to incorporate something such as into a website instead of the standard Wix login? Thanks, Jason
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Nov 19, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello Wixers, Would it at all be possible to (via Wix code) make a seperate admin login where only "admins" (or bosses, etc.) can login? I understand the regular login and sadly you can't manually add any admin accounts to it as far as I know. Would it be possible to make a custom login via Wix Code? I understand the associate security risks and am aware of them but it would be very helpfull and would also provide more sign-in design flexibility. Hope y'all are able to help! Thanks, Jason
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Sep 09, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Not sure if this has been answered before, but is there a possibility to get Wix Code to make a own separate login ability using the databases? I would modify this for personal use. I understand the security risks to this. :)
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 24, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I would like to add a widget to my site using some javascript code. I've added the code to the Public and made a help-widget.js. Here is the code: (function(){ var w=window; function l(){ var d=document; var aws=d.createElement('script'); aws.type='text/javascript'; aws.async=true; aws.src=''; aws.onload = aws.onreadystatechange = function() { var rs = this.readyState; if (rs && rs != 'complete' && rs != 'loaded') return; // try { // } catch (e) {} }; var s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(aws,s); } if(w.addEventListener){ w.addEventListener('load',l); }else{ w.attachEvent('onload',l); } })() How can I go about now adding this to the actual site?
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 09, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I have a submission form where the options are "Active, Inactive, Shutdown, Regrowth". I made another dynamic read & write page so people can change it. I have a dropdown there and set it up by choosing the right dataset, turning on "Connect dropdown list items" and then selecting the dropdown field. But for some reason, it's not showing the same items. Why? Thanks, Jason
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 03, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Ok.. so I setup a calender (Founding Date) with a Date and Time field. The thing is the calender only allows to select a date and no time. And when things are submitted they are like this: Thu Jun 01 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) I would like to though instead for it to be displayed simply as June 01 2017 w/out the time and all of the other information. Second: I have dropdown on my submission from where the options are as follows: N/A 1-10 10-50 50-100 100-300 .... But on the dynamic page it only displays as Item 3 and it even sometimes shows as X Large and am wondering why there are different things being displayed. Third: I made the form where people can update their submissions and put the dropdowns there as well and made sure it is set to "Connect dropdown list items" on and "Connect to Dataset" but it is displaying the following: Small Medium Large X Large Although, these fields should be the same as the one mentioned above. I have a different dropdown that does this as well called "Status". It works fine with the dynamic page but in this one when it is set to edit it all of the sudden has the options: 18-24 25-34 35-40 41-50 But it should actually say: Active Inactive Shutdown Regrowth
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 03, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hey, I understand it is possible to upload images that are displayed on dynamic pages... but is it possible for people to upload different file types such as .doxc or .cvs (for resumes and such) and then for the files to be displayed on a dynamic page for people to download? As far as I see the upload buttons only link to the field-type "Image" and then if you upload something different than a .gif, .jpeg, .png, etc., it won't come up in that database. Is it even possible to upload different types of files?
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 03, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hello, Sorry for another post. I have 2 database collections one called Nation-Registry and one called Submit-Organizations. In the Submit-Organization there is a text field called "Name". Is it possible to make a dropdown on the Nation-Registry database collection where it displays the text inputs that are on the "Name" live database from the Submit-Organizations. Sorry if my explaining is rather complicated.
Drop-Down Info From Seperate DataCollec content media
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have made a submission form and have set the dataset to Read & Write so that entries can be updated. But whenever you go to the submission form it immediately pulls up the last entry and only modifies that one. How do I set it up so that you can modify specific entries or at least make a button on the dynamic page to edit their entry? Form:
Only One Entry is being Updated content media
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
For some reason the Wix Code Database collections has made sooo many rows and on the live one as well. Here's a video:…/25edc32c8f1b49e1bb24cf635e1929fc How do I fix this!? :( :( :(
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I'm not sure how I'd go about doing this or if it even is possible. I'd like to make a drop down (or checkmark button) where you can select Active, Inactive, Shutdown. And when choosing one it puts a green, yellow, or red circle beside a text?
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Can admin contributers use the Wix Code? Or at least access the Live Databases'?
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hey there, I don't know if I am overseeing an option but I've seen it on other sites. I have put a textbox field on a form but when typing it keeps going on forever on a straight line. I haven't seen an option to make it jump to the next line. Here is a video to show:
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I was wondering if it's possible to make it so that only a specific user who created the database entry is allowed to modify his entry only. I understand I'll have to add the Sign In button and it'll probably page to work together with the member-sign in page. Since the Wix Code doesn't yet work together with some other Wix Applications if I have to make a separate database collection for login that can work together with other datasets (#dataset1 & #dataset2). Would this be possible?
Jason LaPierre (Navito)
Aug 01, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hey there, How can I make it so that users can input rich text when submitting a form? As far as I can see.... it only appears to be able to be done in the database collection itself. Regards, Jason
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