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Forum Posts

John Frantzeskakis
Jan 23, 2019
In Coding with Velo
How can I make sure my users can like a post only once by clicking a like button in an item dynamic page? (Code examples are much appreciated)
John Frantzeskakis
Jan 13, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I want to create a liking system where the user clicks a button and the field "Likes" in the "Post" collection updates by +1. How can I do this?
John Frantzeskakis
Jan 13, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I have two questions: A. Can a user upload multiple images in a database and if yes how? in my case i want the user to be able to upload at least one or more images in the field "product images" by clicking the upload image button and selecting multiple images or/and by clicking the button and uploading one image at a time. B. I want the images the user uploaded to be displayed in a gallery. I know that you can connect images to galleries but the images displayed will be one image from each row, i want for one row to link all the images e.g.
Let the user upload multiple images and display them with a gallery content media

John Frantzeskakis

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