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Forum Posts

John Reynolds
Jun 20, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, Looking for some help... quite desperate now. Pulled most of the little hair I have left out! I have many repeaters throughout my site, some pages having more than one. I've created many datasets, but as soon as I connect one to a repeater, it becomes the default / only option dataset for all other repeaters on my site (for all pages). You can see from screen shots below.. I simply don't get any other options in the drop list to choose a different dataset on any repeaters once that first one is connected up. I'm hoping It's just me doing something wrong and an easy fix!
Dataset Connection Bug content media
John Reynolds
Jun 16, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I currently have a box shown above being used as a drop menu. Using mousein to open, and then closes on mouseout event but only after entering the box and moving away. Is there a way to close the open box, if the mouse enters a different button field to open a different box? So if moving mouse along the menu line but not actually moving down in to the boxes. Currently they all just open on top of each other, closing after moving mouse in the box then away again? code using for each box shown below export function services1_onmouseIn(event) { $w('#box1').show() } import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; $w.onReady(() => { $w('#box1').onMouseOut(event => { $w('#box1').hide() }) })
Close Box when mousein on a different button content media
John Reynolds
Jun 14, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I'm looking for some help, trying to close a lightbox whenever mouse is moved anywhere outside the lightbox limits; such as back up into the header menu or out to the overlay background area. I've tried everything and can't get this to work. Any pointers gratefully received.

John Reynolds

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