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Karine Madran
Feb 06, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi! First of all, I'm not a coder. I can manage some codes modifications and I know HTML. I can follow tutorial and do light coding. I want to add a mouse over on text effect, like in the first image below, so the text can change color or get highlighted. And also for other words to have a hover box (alt text if I'm correct) like in the second images. It is pretty simple in HTML (the second image is my test) but I don't want to write all my text in HTML. How can I do it in CSS? I understand that I have to activate the Velo dev mode and that it probably have something to do with onMouseIn() ($w/element/onmousein). So my question is: how do I add those 2 effects for text in Velo mode? Where do I add it? I only want the effects on some words, not all the paragraph. Thanks a lot! 😊
Coding: How to change the codes of a text? (For mousein, hover box when mouse over, etc) content media

Karine Madran

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