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Forum Posts

Kevin Gepaya
Dec 03, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi Guys, My problem is, when a user inputs all the field, I want to calculate the user input into a text field that'll show how much a user has to pay he uses clean energy when he selects from the dropdown fields. Here's my calculation formula: Kilowatt usage x price + admin fee (.01 x kilowatt usage) = total price Here's sample screenshot of the input fields: The user inputs their choices then a corresponding price is shown in the price input The user then inputs how much power they consume and the Total field will be updated accordingly by using the said formula: Kilowatt usage x price + admin fee (.01 x kilowatt usage) = total price I am new to wix and have very minimal jquery skills, so any detailed explanation would really be appreciated. Many thanks, Kev
Calculating price based on user input content media
Kevin Gepaya
Nov 15, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I have 2 problems 1. I have a dropdown menu that gets the energy suppliers (developers) from a database which a corresponding price in another column (price). My problem is how can update a textbox with the corresponding price of the selected dropdown value? Here's my input fields: And here's the database where the values would be referred: 2. My second problem is, when a user inputs all the field, I want to calculate the user input into a text field that'll show how much a user has to pay he uses clean energy. Here's my calculation formula: Kilowatt usage x price + admin fee (.01 x kilowatt usage) = total price Here's sample screenshot of the input fields: I am new to wix and have very minimal jquery skills, so any detailed would really be appreciated. Many thanks, Kev
Update text field when a dropdown is selected content media

Kevin Gepaya

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