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Forum Posts

Kirby Shannon
Aug 06, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Hey Guys, I am trying to setup a dropdown that displays content in a repeater but each drop down menu would need to call from different databases. Is this possible? I have been youtubing and googling but I can't see anything that shows how to setup a dropdown to filter info from multiple databases. For example if I choose dropdown "apples" it will display "apples content" in the repeater/or table drawing from "applesDB" database. If I choose "oranges" it will display "oranges content" in the repeater/table from "orangesDB" database. I have about 12 databases that I want info displayed from and I thought if I can set them up to display from a list in a dropdown that would be cleaner looking. But if it isn't possible I'll just be making separate links to each page to display the content individually on pages if its all too tricky. Thanks for your help Regards Kirby

Kirby Shannon

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