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Forum Posts

Feb 27, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hey there, i'm trying to build a multipage form and it already looks pretty similar to this one here: But now, I've got a question: There's a button to get to the next page. Is it possible to make this button only available when the input on the current slide is valid? As an example: In this multistage form here, "First Name" is required. I want to achieve, that the button "Save & Continue" only works, if "First Name" is valid, so somebody typed his name in that field. Same if somebody typed text into a number-field. This is not valid, so the button should not be available so that the user can't jump to the next slide. Looking forward to your help!
Feb 20, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hey there! Since I'm really new to Wix Code and Javascript, I was hoping to get an answer here in the forum. I'm looking for a code to make an element sticky inside the parent element or between two anchors. So, once you scrolled to a specific height, this element should become fixed. Here, you can see an example of what I mean: Is there any way to achieve this? I'm really looking forward to your response!!


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