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Dec 26, 2020
In Coding with Velo
If I copy - paste some "button" with checked "onClick" event In New page no checkboxes checkked but Function called If I check onclick box and add function - events function called 2 times If I uncheck Function still called Somewhere Events_headler saved inside control hiding from owner Do anybody see such bug?
Dec 26, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! Is it possible put code of event headler functions in another code page file then disign elements. For examples ButtonOne Event OnClick I use properties and checkin OnClick and function ButtonOne_onclick (event) {} appear in my page code. Is it possible make something like "myevents.js" and put this function here from main page with button. Thank You in advanse
Oct 21, 2020
In Coding with Velo
UPDATE Solved... It was problem in one of my callback and it cause that dropdown was not ready in time I used "selectedItem". DONE Hallo! I have dropdown element. It appear on a page with placeholder text. I make selection by clicking mouse After I see selected item QUESTION Is it possible change selection and reset view without any click For example - URL param. I open URL with Param, Read this param and show dropdown with this selected item Thank You in advance Sincerely, Mikhail Mazel
Oct 19, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Last week new wix code editor appear instead old, but today old return again.... Please tell me what happened?
Oct 19, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Sorry for stupid question, but is it possible change spacing between vertical grid lines in corvid text code editor... In some pages this spacing 4 spaces, but another pages - 2 spaces Is It system parameters or It possible to choose number of spaces between vertical grid lines at code page editor? Thank You in advance Sincerely Mikhail Mazel
vertical grid lines in corvid code editor content media
Oct 07, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Please Help! I add to the page LIST of categories of my NEW WIX BLOG When I select category and click - the List of Posts changed as prescribed... Everything are working well But I need read in some Identifier Value (name) of selected categories, to show on a page.... Do You know where store all Items of MENUE CATEGORIES Something like $w("#MyWixBlogCategoriesList").selectedLineName This code show "all" categories, but I need that one which clicked - selected wixData.query("Blog/Categories") .find() .then( (results) => { // handle the results console.log("items - ", results.items) console.log("items - ", results.items[i]) } ); in other words - read selected Category Label (read fields) I need this to Add on the pages SELECTED CATEGORIES NAMES I need clicked Line number... It's so strange that no such parameters.... And Not SelectED Hover in Design control Thank You in advance UPDATE I did what i asking - I find which category selected-clicked at print it on a top of page. If somebody interested - I show how.
Sep 01, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, everybody! Is it possible in WIX save some screen elements config for each client? (I mean on each commuter or phone of visitors, not logining - anonymous viewers) For example: Just BOX with TEXT and 2 buttons: HIDE and SHOW this BOX with text.... Visitor open dynamic page first time, read Text Information and Click "Hide"... And close page. And open another Dynamic Page in 5 minutes.... Is it possible save state of box HIDE.... Because WIX accessible from many different devices I think it cannot be Just Cookie or.... Please, help Sincerely, Misha
Aug 31, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi everybody. Please help with such problem For example. We have function1 (param1, param2, param3) { Block working with Parameter 1 Block working with Parameter 2 If (Parameter 3 === 1) {function2()} If (Parameter 3 === 2) {function3()} } My question. Is it possible send function (or function name or something) as parameter Something Like this: function1 (param1, param2, param3) { Block working with Parameter 1 Block working with Parameter 2 param3_funct } Call from Program Body function1(eact_param1_1, exact_param2_1, function2) or   function1(eact_param1_2, exact_param2_2, function3)   When I tried to do this I received error finction2 and function3 started immediately after call before function1 started, beforу Block working with Parameter 1 and 2 OK. I repeat my question Is It Possible Such Call function as parameter or not Thank You in advance Sincerely Mikhail
May 31, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I Just want share my experience. My site contain a lot photos and "repeaters". I'm poet and photographer, Songwriter. My pages contain a lot of "heavy" materials .... Pages load slowly and... I try to do something to not lost visitors because of delay. At First I organized "preloader" and It's working - show that page are loaded, but not every time. Sometimes when I clicked on pagename from menu - page not opened, and awaiting with open and frozen Menu.... Just everything "are stock"... No chance to believe that site is still working. All stopped. I do "empty page" just with one text line "Page Are Loading" and make simple redirect. In this case Menu not stopping any more, Visitors go immediately on light empty page which immediately start to redirect to heavy page, but preloader start to show that site is working. That's all. May be my information be useful May be you know another way.... PS> Sorry My site only in Russian. I write my art only in Russian.
Jun 27, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello Strange Error. If I use Console.Log in some page - no restrictions and hundreds line of output debbuging lines I can see in Debbuger window But if I use console.log inside function in Backend - about 100-120 lines appear and stopped to show. Please tell me what is it? Restrictions? Bug? Is it some trick? Thank You in advance Sincerely, Mikhail
Jun 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello!! I already asking, but I try to describe problem more clear. Can You help me find answer one one important question. I try solve one problem during week or more and cannot. I write code and it work in evarage but when I try update my database in FOR loop with big amount of Rows - some of this rows lost... If I update 10 rows - It's working If I manually change index in FOR statements (0-10, next 11-20, next 21- 30....) Finally Database records updated completely, but if I run "FOR from 0 to 90 - 30% of records (rows) not updated.... lost (stay in previous data state) I guess that problem with time responding database and I errors happened when I try to write until database ready, but I cannot find answer nowhere... How be sure that database ready again AND I read advice Put Dataset in ONREADY and Functions in ONREADY And I understand в that mistakes happened because Database not ready when I make to much requests But 1. How I put my ONCLICK Button external function inside Onready? It's impossible 2. When I put database Refresh inside ONREADY some Table wit my datasate Refreshed on screen.... (this is obvious) I will be appreciate any help.... Thank You in advance. Sincerely, Misha Here code fragment.... in FOR loop i put index values 70 - 81 to show that with small amount of - update working. If I put 0-91 - 30% of records - not updated ------------- export function button3_click(event) { let i = 0; let recid = 1; wixData.query("dbBardSongs") .eq("bardName", selectedKey) .limit(130) .find() .then( (results1) => { for (i=90; i<98; i++) { recid = results1.items[i]._id; onerecord2(i, recid); } }) .catch((err) => { //let errorMsg = err; console.log("Error in Query = "); console.log(err); }); } export function onerecord2 (index, recid) { let i = index; wixData.get("dbBardSongs", recid) .then((toUpdate) => { toUpdate.orderNumber = (i + 1); wixData.update("dbBardSongs", toUpdate) .then((result) => { }) .catch((err) => { //let errorMsg = err; console.log("Eror in Update = "); console.log(err); }); }) .catch((err) => { //let errorMsg = err; console.log("Error with Get = "); console.log(err); }); } Almost All Error I receive in CATCH "Error in Get" but No CODE of Error - Just word "Error"
Jun 20, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello! In my database (forexample "MyDatabase") there are several fields. For example title, name, order number I make filterSelection by "title". Input values for filtering. For example: One result - 10 records, another - 98 I put this numbers in variable "CountResult" I need update database just put in field "orderNumbers" numbers from 1 to "CountResult" I do Query, read Results with selected filter and run FOR (var i=0, I<CountResults, I++) Inside do qwery.update When I updating (10 rows records) It's working and updating With 98 results - about 30 Errors, About 30 Rows not Updated Each attemprs - give me different wrong rows and No Error Message, Just word :Error" Please advice me in such code. I repeat - Just make query, read result and change on columns - out in it numbers from 1 to "CountResult" Thank You in advance I do My code fragment: //SelectKey - selected filtering Item // SongsCount - RealNumber, determined in code before wixData.query("dbBardSongs") .eq("bardName", selectedKey) .limit(100) .find() .then( (results1) => { if(results1.items.length > 0) { for (var i=0;i<SongsCount;i++) { toUpdate = { "_id": results1.items[i]._id, "title": results1.items[i].title, "bardName": results1.items[i].bardName, "firstLine": results1.items[i].firstLine, "orderNumber": i + 1 }; wixData.update("dbBardSongs", toUpdate) .then( (results2) => { item = results2; }; .catch( (err) => { errorMsg = err; console.log("error Msg = " + errorMsg); } ); } else { // handle case where no matching items found } } ) .catch( (err) => {let errorMsg = err;} );
Jun 13, 2019
In Coding with Velo
SOLVED I think problem solved. I find on forum disscussion about DOBLE running get totalcount for reading actual value and people find descision here. If somebody has the same issue - here answer: ============== UPDATE - May be problem not in delay - something strange Each Time Volume of GetTotalCount "updated" after query finished and After second use of dropdown selector - show previous volume.... ==================== Hello! Try to briefly describe problem. I have database: persons names, some text information and much more... I filtered database by persons name (with Input through DropDaown Input) After SetFilter I do Query and run "FOR" (loop) and do something. I do "gettotalcount" ( let Count = $w("#dataset").getTotalCount(); and RUN my FOR for (var i=0;i<Count;i++) {......} PROBLEM value of "Count" appear MUCH later (3-5 seconds or more) then FOR running... How I have manage Delay... And How I can know that Value of Count "appear" I have an Idea. set Count = 0 before run GETTOTALCOUNT and Inside another Loop check Value of Count until it became different then "0" but It look much "crazy" Do any body know some easier way to check when "let Count = $w("#dataset").getTotalCount(); " give me result and I can proceed to run "FOR" statement Thank You in advance Sincerely, Misha
Jun 02, 2019
In Coding with Velo
SOLVED. I did it - select container and colored it by ganged bgimage on MouseIn =================================== Hello! I used "style.backgroundcolor" in "MouseIn" and "MouseOut" to change some BOX background color when I moved my mouse on-off some Item. It is NO PROBLEM with BOX I do this successfully I tried to do the same to change color of container in repeater - but I see that it is - impossible. Is It possible in some another way, or because of repeater contraction this is impossible at all? UPDATE!!! I understand that now STYLE in Repeater Try to change Backgraund Image MAUSEIN - somrcolor MAUSEOUT - Transparent It's work, but but but - with all group. Do I have chase specify only Cliked Item for change? I do like this: $w("#myconteiner").background.src = ""; It works but -but - but - change All BGImages in all Items of current Repeater. I desperately trying found how specify one clicked containers Items in Current Repeater - and cannot I believe that they are have some instance names, may be Array With Numbers like 0.1.2..... I will be very appreciate any advices May be something -- - let myclickedcontainer = $w.container(#mycontainer).clikedone - -- something like this... I try to guess - but currently unhappy, unsuccessful ---------- ---------- To be more clear - repeater very simple: Just One Item inside repeater - small square photo inside empty colored square container (Size of container - Just little bigger than photo)... When repeater working I just see field of photos with "container color frame" behind. When I move mouse on any of them - as I tell - some box on a top of photos (with name of group of this people on a photos) change color When I move moue off - I return previous color. I try to change color of background in each container Item - photo, to see which photo under Mouse. ---------- Thank You in advance. Sincerely, Misha Mazel
May 30, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello ! Before asking I searching discussion and don't find answer, but all discussions situatd year ago, may be something changing in Corvide since that.... I do without problem filtering by some "text" FieldKey, For exampe named "tag" $w("#dataset13").setFilter(wixData.filter() .contains("tag", clickedItemData.title)); It is working... But If I use Field which have text inside but really it REFERRING Field - Filtering not working. I guess that such filtering is may be Impossible may be have some tricky. If somebody new exact answer - I be appreciate Thank You in advance Sincerely, Mikhail
May 30, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I try to do very simple thing and have strange error. Please help me. I have simple database: title and image. There are 50-80 names and images inside. I have simple Repeater - just one image in one container in one repeater On real page it look like 10 images in a raw and 5-8 rows I want click an Image and see Title content forexampe dataset1 repeater1 container1 Image1 When I do ONCLICK event by Image and use GETCURRNTITEM I see only first image Title for any Image I click Each Image return the same value as first one. Please help solve this issue. I'm afrade this is very easy but I'm poet, not programmer... :-) Thank You in advance Sincerely, Mikhail
May 17, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello! Before Asking Question I two days trying find answer - and cannot. What help I request I have database with three text fields I have to find Value by another Value. For example I have Text value from First columns I need took Text value from a second and third from the same raw that in first i find I need do this only by Code without any Visual elements Let name dataset3TextColumns FirstTextCol (my input info somwhare in this columns) SecondTectCol (My output which i need in the same raw here) ThyrdTextCol EnterString (for example I took it from dropdown_change(event) ) OutputString (for example I will use it in TEXT element) If somebody help write code I will be very appreciate Thank You in advance sincerely Mikhail


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