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Forum Posts

Sep 18, 2019
In Coding with Velo
We have created a client brief form on our website. What we want to achieve is this, once the client filled out the form, a copy of the submitted data will then be sent to my email. (This email will contain the actual brief that he just filled out). Can you please help me out? I want to do this without using any 3rd party app like wix form or sendgrid.
Aug 05, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I used a lightbox form, the field is required but doesn't work. when you fill out the email address field and dropdown, it fires out to the URL of each choice in the dropdown even if you did not fill out the name and phone. Here are my codes, can you let me know what's wrong with the code or what I missed? This is the test site import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $w.onReady(function () { $w("#dropdown1").options = [ {"label": "Website Packages", "value": ""}, {"label": "Logo Design", "value": ""} // {"label": "SEO", "value": "third"}, //{"label": "Branding", "value": "fourth"}, //{"label": "Google Ads", "value": "fifth"} ]; }); function formChanged() { const firstnameValid = $w("#input4").valid const lastnameValid = $w("#input3").valid const phoneValid = $w("#input2").valid const emailValid = $w("#input1").valid const dropdownValid = $w("#dropdown1").valid const isFormValid = firstnameValid && lastnameValid && phoneValid && emailValid && dropdownValid if (isFormValid) { $w('#button1').enable() } else { $w('#button1').disable() } } export function button1_click(event) { //Add your code for this event here: let gotoUrl = $w("#dropdown1").value;; }
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