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Er.Muthu K
Dec 02, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi legends , wix store thank you page buyer name not coming. Please find the Screenshot . Please help me out On this :) Thanks
wix store thank you page buyer name not coming content media
Er.Muthu K
Dec 01, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I Am unable to Add a collection to the Site. Please find the Video below As I have created a new Collection and When I Try to Add to the Site. It's Not Working for me. Anyone, please help me Out. Thanks
Unable to Add Collection to the Site
 content media
Er.Muthu K
Nov 30, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I Am unable to Add a collection to the Site. Please find the Video below As I have created a new Collection and When I Try to Add to the Site. It's Not Working for me. Anyone, please help me Out. Thanks
Unable Add Collection to the Site  content media
Er.Muthu K
Oct 29, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hide and Show is Not Working On Live Site But its working fine in Preview Mode. Even am using Premium Site
Er.Muthu K
Oct 21, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi legends , As we can set source for a HTML component dynamically from database using URL. I want to set source using Iframe code (Or HTML code). But it thorws error as "the value must be URL" In above screenshot first working fine for dynamic page while using URL not iframe HTML code Can anyone help me on this ? Thanks
Can Corvid allow us to set source to HTML component for IFrame ?(It working for Web Address not for html code)[Dynamic, from database] content media
Er.Muthu K
Oct 16, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi Heros, How to integrate trucaller with corvid. anyone can help me out this Please ? Thanks Muthu
Er.Muthu K
Oct 12, 2020
In Coding with Velo
HTML component not working. $w("#html1").src = "https://kkk.pdf" is not working. Please find the video. Someone please help me out.
HTML component not working.  content media
Er.Muthu K
Sep 30, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi Legends , I need to Show one popup when "Add to cart" Button clicked On Product Page. I have used wix-Store. Thanks in Advance.! -- Er.Muthu K
Er.Muthu K
Sep 24, 2020
In Coding with Velo
How to install Facebook conversion API on my Wix website. Please Note: Not Facebook pixel, and not events that sent to the pixel with corvid threw client browser. Is it possible?
Er.Muthu K
Aug 24, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi Legends, am using Wix Store for E-Commerce Site; Whenever i try to Edit it With Custom Code for Product Page like getting Current Product Details and Etc.. It's Working Fine for First Time Page Hits for All products but Not Working for Landing Product Page using next/Prev Button Please helps me Out. Thanks , Muthu K
Er.Muthu K
Aug 19, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi Legends , I want to return two (Multiple ) Data to Outside of function when it Calls from Outside ; Please see my Code Below ; Please Read the Comments As Its working fine inside the Function ; Not Outside ; Its showing "undefined" ; Please help me out on this ; Thanks in Advance :)
Am Unable to Get Data from a Function ; content media
Er.Muthu K
Aug 13, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi Legends, I want to do below listed tasks with wix Corvid and Wix Store; 1. When a Product is being added into the catalogue, delivery duration (number of days required to deliver the product) to be mentioned for each product along with product price and other product details; 2. When the customer is placing an order, at the checkout page, the number of days required for delivery of the product to be indicated to the customer against each product like “This product will be delivered in ’N' days”, etc; 3. If customer required delivery earlier, an express delivery fee will be applied to the order cart. Here, the major assumption is that the flat fee is same for all products irrespective of delivery location and products order quantity; 4. Ask customer for their preferred delivery time slot (morning, afternoon or evening) for the particular day of delivery at checkout page. If a given time slot has already received maximum ’N’ orders it will be disabled, user will be asked to choose in the next available time slot for that day; 5. Customer to input their ZIP code and if the ZIP code is within the serviceable ZIP codes of Our team, allow them to order, else inform them that delivery is not available in that area; Am using Wix Store now ; Unable to Do : 1. Am unable to create one more column in Product Collection to Enter "N" Number of days by Admin; 2. Am unable to Add custom element [Check box for Fast Delivery] in "Product Page" as All details are single element , i can only change layout provided by wix store people; 3. Unable to Access "Order" collection to Add data of Delivery Slot and Pass the "Fast Delivery" Details; 4. Unable to Assign Action For "Add to Cart" Button for Collection; {We cant edit anything in that Layout} . 5. How to Calculate the Orders count? 6. How to Add ZIP code in Collection and How to Verify it By Corvid; Please Note: i) Developer Mode ON; ii) Able to Access Other elements Except Product; iii) Able to Create New Collection with All Permissions; Waiting for Some Positive response from Legends.... Thanks, Muthu K

Er.Muthu K

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