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Nov 26, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have a page where the viewer can view different categories of work by clicking on text which changes the page content using an expand/collapse function. This works perfectly in my desktop view, however I can't seem to get the onClick functions to work on the mobile view. The page content containers are all on there, but nothing happens when you click the text. Any ideas how I can make this work??? This is pretty time-sensitive so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. If you want to take a look at the page, the url is You can change the page content by clicking the "design," "Illustration," "photo," and "other" categories.
Oct 23, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hey there! I am creating my portfolio site (which is due by the end of the month) and I've hit a small problem with my anchors/scrolling. I understand the problem and why it exists, I'm just not sure how to code the solution. Basically I have a side menu on one half of the screen (which is fixed to the screen) and scrolling page content on the other half, which just consists of a few pictures. I have it set up so that if you hover over a menu option, it automatically scrolls to that image on the page content using a corresponding anchor, which works just fine. The problem arose when I also added a feature that when you are scrolling through the page content, as an image enters the viewport, it automatically snaps to the corresponding anchor (for the sake of visual appeal but it also allows me to code it so that the menu option that corresponds to each image changes colors depending on what image is displayed so you know which project you're looking at). That function works just fine too. The issue is that if I'm currently viewing Project 1 and I want to view project 5, when I hover over the Project 5 menu option, because the code says that anytime an image enters the viewport it snaps to that anchor, it can't skip images and go straight to project 5. Instead, it stops at every project anchor on the way and you have to keep moving your mouse off the Project 5 menu option and back on over and over until it finally shows up. I figured part of the problem is that Wix Code uses "MouseIn" instead of "Hover"? The only way I can think of getting around this may be to use parameters of some kind but I'm not sure which ones or how to write them in Wix Code (if this was normal java, it'd be more familiar to me). Any ideas? I've provided a picture of that specific code below. Any ideas would be much appreciated! By the way, the menu I'm working with is the submenu, the one starting with "Muted Chaos" as Project 1 and ending with "Häagen-Dazs" as Project 5.
Coding with anchors (and maybe using parameters?) content media
Oct 11, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Is it possible to change the animation details depending on the function calling on the animation? I know that you can list what animation you want in the parentheses like .show("SlideIn"). But say I wanted the "slide in" to be delayed when the element first loads but don't want it to be delayed when I mouse over it, is it possible to code the function in a way to change the delay time or direction of animation? I'm also wondering if it's possible to change the loading animation depending on which page you navigate from. For example, if I navigate from the main page, I want all my page content to slide in from the right. However, if I navigate from the About page, I want it to slide in from the top. Is that possible?
Oct 10, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I'm not sure why, but I'm having trouble implementing a really simple function in the code panel. I would just like it so that if I click a certain textbox, it will change the text color of the text I clicked and also the other text around it (like in a navigation bar, when the selected menu option is a different color than the rest). Can anyone tell me what the code is? I used the "onClick" function in the properties panel but I'm not sure how to format the code beneath it. The same also applies for box and line colors. Is there a function for changing those colors as well when clicked? For whatever reason I can't seem to find a clear way to do it.
Oct 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hey there! I created a site for a client and it involves using User-Input forms for coaches to create their own profiles with things like contact information and team member names. I have a "create your profile" page which uses user-input forms to store that info on a Database and then I used dynamic pages to create individual profile pages. I also have a "user directory" page with a table that displays all of the coaches using the database. In the user-input form I put the ability to upload a profile picture which is stored in the DB and displayed on both the member pages and the directory table. However, I spent a while designing a special "default" avatar and while I got it to appear on the individual dynamic page for each member profile page, that avatar isn't actually stored in the database. I basically cheated and put it on the dynamic page and any uploaded profile picture would just go on top of it instead of replacing it. Is there a way to instead make it so that the avatar is the "default" image unless they choose to upload one, in which case it would replace it?
Oct 02, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I'm having trouble getting started with the Properties Panel on Wix Code. I have a pretty beginner/intermediate knowledge of Java and I only just started learning JQuery this weekend, but my only real experience with coding is in the context of building a site from scratch using HTML, CSS and Java (but I don't have that kind of time, so I decided to go with Wix Code for sake of ease and usability). There is a feature I am trying to add to my site and I've done so much research and found a few different ways to do it using jquery but even after hours of research and tutorials, so I have a pretty good idea of how to apply it to an existing HTML doc, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually add it to Wix properly. Everything I try gets a bunch of errors and ultimately does nothing. Can anyone either post a reference or something that would help me get started to learn how to add my own code? I've seen here that other people can do it, I just don't really know where to begin. All the tutorials I've found involve using the options on the properties panel like hide/show etc but never take it a step father and I constantly get errors that say things like "$ is undefined" and things like that. If it makes it easier, the specific feature I'm trying to add would make it so that on my home page, when you scroll down to a certain section, one feature locks on the screen until you are done scrolling through the text next to it and then once you reach the end of the text, then it scrolls down to the next section. Here's an example of a site that does what I'm talking about: Even if someone could help me figure out how to add this specific feature would be a huge help because this is pretty time sensitive :/


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