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Dec 28, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hey everyone, I had a lightbox side menu, but unfortunately, it had a huge delay when clicking the "hamburger" menu button. Instead, I switched to a pinned container box with individual buttons. It works great at first, but after using it to navigate to one of the linked pages, the menu quits appearing when clicking the hamburger. I'm not sure what to do with this as I believe my code is correct, however, I could be wrong as I am a beginner when it comes to Corvid/Javascript. The website is (it is an early version of a new site for the company I work for). This is my site code: import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; export function hamburger_click(event) { $w('#menu').show('FlyIn') $w('#hamburger').hide('FlyOut'); } export function x_click(event) { $w('#menu').hide('FlyOut') $w('#hamburger').show('FlyIn') } export function button20_click(event) {"/downloads") $w('#menu').hide('FlyOut') $w('#hamburger').show('FlyIn') } export function button21_click(event) {"/disaster-relief") $w('#menu').hide('FlyOut') $w('#hamburger').show('FlyIn') } export function button22_click(event) {"/warrior") $w('#menu').hide('FlyOut') $w('#hamburger').show('FlyIn') } export function button23_click(event) {"/about-us") $w('#menu').hide('FlyOut') $w('#hamburger').show('FlyIn') } Thanks in advance!
Dec 18, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I'm currently working on a site for the company I work for. I've searched around for a scroll snapping solution for the Wix Editor and came across something that actually works for the most part (why hasn't Wix come out with a feature for this yet? It's been requested for YEARS from what I can tell from my searches). I found the code here: After copying the sections so that I can have 5 "pages," I worked through it and made sure that the ID tags and any other needed changes were made. So far, it scroll snaps down and up, but once I go back to the very top (even if just scrolling down once and back up), the scroll snapping does not work for the third page/section. Then, if I scroll past the third page, it will lock to the fourth page, and I can scroll back up to the third page, where it snaps again. But scrolling all the way back up to the top brings the first page partially into view but automatically scrolls back to the second page (this only happens when I run into the 3rd page scroll snap issue). What could possibly be making the third page to stop snapping, and consequently the 2nd page to snap when trying to go back to the 1st? I don't see any issues with the code, but then again, I know very basic coding so there might be an issue I can't see or don't even think of. Here is the website I'm working on: Here is my code in the site tab: var lock2 = 0 var lock3 = 0 var lock4 = 0 var lock5 = 0 //page home to features var scrlock = 0 //scrolls to page 2 export function tofeature_viewportLeave() { $w("#features").scrollTo() } //when coming back up 'closes' the scrolling lock export function tofeature_viewportEnter(event) { scrlock = 0 } //if scroll lock is 'open (=10)' scroll to the top else open the scroll lock export function backtop_viewportEnter() { if (lock2 === 0) { lock2 =1 } else {lock2 = 0 } if (scrlock === 10) { $w("#anchortop").scrollTo(); } else { scrlock= 10 } } //page features to welcome home var scrlocktwo = 0 //scrolls to page 3 export function towelcomehome_viewportLeave() { if (lock2 === 1) { $w("#welcomehome").scrollTo(); } } //when coming back up to page 2 'closes' the scrolling lock export function towelcomehome_viewportEnter() { scrlocktwo = 0 } //if scroll lock is 'open (=10)' scroll to the page 2 else open the scroll lock export function backtofeatures_viewportEnter() { if (lock3 === 0) { lock3 =1 } else {lock3 = 0 } if (scrlocktwo === 10) { $w("#features").scrollTo(); } else { scrlocktwo= 10 } } //page welcome home to deliver var scrlockthree = 0 //scrolls to page 4 export function todeliver_viewportLeave() { if (lock3 === 1) { $w("#deliver").scrollTo(); } } //when coming back up to page 3 'closes' the scrolling lock export function todeliver_viewportEnter() { scrlockthree = 0 } //if scroll lock is 'open (=10)' scroll to the page 3 else open the scroll lock export function backtowelcomehome_viewportEnter() { if (lock4 === 0) { lock4 =1 } else {lock4 = 0 } if (scrlockthree === 10) { $w("#welcomehome").scrollTo(); } else { scrlockthree= 10 } } //page deliver to app var scrlockfour = 0 //scrolls to page 5 export function toapp_viewportLeave() { if (lock4 === 1) { $w("#app").scrollTo(); } } //when coming back up to page 4 'closes' the scrolling lock export function toapp_viewportEnter() { scrlockfour = 0 } //if scroll lock is 'open (=10)' scroll to the page 4 else open the scroll lock export function backtodeliver_viewportEnter() { if (lock5 === 0) { lock5 =1 } else {lock5 = 0 } if (scrlockfour === 10) { $w("#deliver").scrollTo(); } else { scrlockfour= 10 } } I realize it may not work properly on all screen resolutions and setups so I'm not sure if it will even be a feasible feature to continue working on. Here are my display settings: I am working in Google Chrome at 100% (default) zoom. I can also provide screenshots of my anchor positions if needed.
Scroll Snapping with Anchors and Coding content media


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