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Aug 05, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I have a weird problem in a live site - When going to gallery expand mode, not only the next/previous are disabled, but when closing the Expand display the page resets and reloads. This happens in most of my site pages, and started about 12 hours ago. Is anyone familiar with such a problem, and how to fix it? Thanks, Ofer
May 05, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, I have a repeater populated from Collection A, which includes a table populated from Collection B using Multiple-Reference-Field. The table is set to Automatic Height so that each table inside every repeater-item changes its height depending on the number of referenced items. My problem is that some of the reference fields refer to only single reference item, but the default height of the table is 3 or 4 rows, which leaves blank table rows and enlarge my repeater items unnecessarily. Can anyone help how to keep the default height of a table to a single row, while in Automatic Height mode? Thanks, Ofer
Apr 24, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi all experts, I need to trigger a function when ProGallery Item is clicked, and display collection data related to the Clicked Image. To do so, I tried (unsuccessfully) to get the clicked-item index and relate it to my dataset. I would appreciate any help: How to identify the index of a clicked image-item in ProGallery. Here is what I tried and failed: I tried creating onItemClicked and onCurrentItemChanged events, thinking to extract the itemIndex and related it to my collection. However, onCurrentItemChanged is not supported for ProGallery, and while onItemClicked is supported ,the event.itemIndex is not. My second approach was to extract the item.src upon onItemClicked event and find the index by relating it to the src's contained in $w(myGallery).items, BUT the item given by the onItemClicked event contains uri and not src. the following code works perfect but does not provide a solution to identify the index: Thanks, Ofer
ProGallery Item Index Not Supported OnClick? content media
Apr 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, This text '${jsonld}' appeared on top of one of my page galleries. It shows both in Edit and Preview modes. I read that it relates to search results but the articles were beyond my understanding. Would somebody be kind to explain in layman terms what it is, why it appeared, and how to get rid of it? Thanks, Ofer
Unexpected ${jsonld} in gallery content media
Apr 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I use a repeater as an index in a static page, to display a list of filtered items. I used Helvetica Light 22 points for the repeater elements. Surprisingly, the font in the Published version is different than the one I defined. It works properly in Preview mode. BTW, I actually have two repeaters for two different languages. The problem occurs only in English. Here is the repeater in Preview mode: And here is the published version: I would appreciate any idea what might cause this difference and how to solve it. thanks, Ofer
Font changes in Published Repeater content media
Apr 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Starting yesterday, hide/show on a number of pages stopped working on published site while working properly in 'Preview'. After refreshing (sometimes more than once), the published pages sometimes work properly. On these pages I use extensive hide/show and collapse/expand actions depending on collection data. The pages are both dynamic and static, some of them have been published a while ago. I verified all Collections permissions, all datasets modes to be 'Read Only', and 'Synced' all datasets. I have seen all the discussions re. Preview/Published, but did not find a cure to my problem. Has anyone had similar problem and solved it? thanks, Ofer
Feb 23, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi All, I need to use a Rich-Text Field on two different dynamic pages. I must use different font and size in the different pages, but want to keep the paragraph line-breaks and the links marked in parts of the text. Thanks for ideas how to accomplish this.
Jul 06, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have a repeater connected to dataset that is controlled by several user-input filters plus pagination bar. I want to present (hide/show) to the user updated filter options ONLY after the previous filter was executed and the repeater is fully rendered. I cannot find a way to catch the event when the repeater.rendered becomes True after the user apply new filter (or after advancing the pagination bar). Can someone point me in the right direction?
Jul 05, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi All, I have a Category dynamic page (single category field) with a repeater, and I need to add further filtering which is based on the dynamic category and on user-input. I wanted to add the extra user-input to the existing dynamic filter, but could not find a way to 'get' the current filter from the page dataset once it's loaded. Can someone help me figuring how to get the dynamic dataset filter? Thanks, Ofer
Jun 22, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I have limited experience with wix and with coding and I have a problem with URL field that works properly when used by reference in a repeater, but when used in a table within another repeater (in different page) it always sends the user to the site home page. To clarify - I have three collections (A, B and C) with reference field in C linking to B, and reference field in B linking A. Collection B also has a URL field. I created two (regular) pages: Page-1 has a single dataset connected to collection-C, and a repeater connected to the dataset. A button in the repeater is connected to the URL field in the referenced collection-B. This works just fine. Page-2 however, has two datasets connected to collections A and B where B-dataset is bound by Filter to the referenced A-dataset. This page has a repeater (connected to A-dataset) with a single-column table (connected to B-dataset). The table-column is linked to the same URL field in B-dataset. This page has no code at all. Clicking any table item sends the user to the site home page regardless of the url in the field. I'd appreciate any suggestion as to where to look for the fault. Thanks, Ofer


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