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Forum Posts

Jun 18, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone. I have a repeater in my homepage that displays data insert by users. The repeater also shows date and I add a code to show only day, month and year without GMT part. So, my issue is that when the page is loading for few seconds the date of each box in the repeater is wrong and show the day before the date I have in the database. Can someone help me to fix it? Thanks
Jun 12, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone. I'm trying to set an icon that the visitors of my website can add to the mobile device. I'm following this tutorial but in the site manager there isn't a form to place the code mentioned in step 3. Can anyone help me please? Thanks
Jun 07, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone. I followed this tutorial to display a button in mobile only. If in the properties panel "Hidden on load" is selected the button doesn't appear neither in mobile nor in desktop. If "Hidden on load" is deselected nothing happens neither in mobile nor in desktop. I took a look to other post in the forum with similar issues but I didn't find a solution. Can someone help me? Thanks
Jun 04, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone. I created a member area: a "my account" page and a "account navigation bar" were automatically added to my site. My issue is that. When a member logout and he is in the "my account" page the log in page appear and clicking the X the browser stay on the same page, but all is white because the user logged out haven't permission to see the page. Same issue with all the others member pages. Is there a way to redirect users to the home page when they logout from a member pages? Thanks
May 31, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone. I connected my repeater to a database. In the database there are information about events (title, date, place, image, description). I set the repeater to show just a recap of each event (just title and place) and I add a button to every event to “show more” cause I would show the complete event information in an other page where I set different elements for every information (title, date, place, image, description). I tried to link the button in the repeater to the page where I want to show the complete information but, obviusly, the page show always the same event (the 1st in the database). There's a way to connect every event button to a specific raw in the database to show in the other page the complete information just about one event? Thanks


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