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Forum Posts

Ori Giron
May 16, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, is it possible to password protect dynamic pages? where each dynamic page will have its own password?
Ori Giron
Jan 29, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I am trying to embed an html component onto a dynamic page. The html code is the same throughout all the dynamic pages except for the ''src'' which is a url that I want to get from the database. Is it possible to do that?
Ori Giron
Jan 22, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Can someone explain how to create search filters for a dynamic item/category page. The search filter needs to be able to filter: # Ranges within a specific field in a database Search text from fields across the whole database Dropdown list from predetermined options I have no experience in coding so the more detail the better :)
Ori Giron
Nov 18, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I am struggling to get a few key aspects of my site working. I was wondering if someone would be willing to take on a small project to create a few dynamic pages, and an upload panel for the admin side to add data to a database. We would be willing to pay a small fee, we are a startup and have a very tight budget. If anyone is interested let me know. You can also contact me on facebook.
Ori Giron
Nov 17, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Is it possible to display multiple data fields in a single text field? I want to display multiple pieces of data in a single text field seperated by commas.
Ori Giron
Nov 17, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I am creating a real estate platform and I want to create listing features of a home in a table. How do I build my databases so that the information in the table will show in a user friendly way and not listed all in seperate rows? This is an example from a site that i liked. To do this would I have to create the database? Would I have to create multiple databases and then connect them somehow?
Displaying Content from a database in a table. content media

Ori Giron

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