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Mar 10, 2021
In Coding with Velo
I have created a favourites collection (called "myWorkOut") which contains items picked from a main collection (called "Exercises"). I have used this "Wishlist" tutorial I want to add "Next" and "Previous" buttons on the dynamic "Item" page when viewing items from a repeater that is connected to the "myWorkOut" collection. This repeater is on a regular page called "My Workout". I have used this tutorial as the starting point "Velo Tutorial: Creating Previous and Next Buttons for a Dynamic Item Page with Code" The code added to the "My Workout" page is intended to create a map of the dynamic page URLs of the items in the "myWorkOut" collection (stored in a Page Link field) and then capture that in local storage, so that it is available when moving to the Item page from the "My Workout" page. I think I understand all that correctly. This is the code on the "My Workout" page - which is copied from the tutorial, with two console logs for diagnostics const linkField = "link-exercises-title" $w("#dataset1").onReady(() => { const numberOfItems = $w("#dataset1").getTotalCount(); console.log("number of items = "+numberOfItems) $w("#dataset1").getItems(0, numberOfItems) .then( (result) => { const dynamicPageURLs = => item[linkField]); console.log(dynamicPageURLs) local.setItem('dynamicPageURLs', dynamicPageURLs); } ) .catch( (err) => { console.log(err.code, err.message); } ); }); It is evident from the console logs that the code is correctly identifying the number of items in the collection, but it is returning "Undefined" instead of each dynamic page URL I think the problem is that the "linkField" is not held in the "myWorkOut" collection itself - instead it is accessed via a Reference field which refers back to the original "Exercises" collection. And I think I need some extra code in the following line, to reflect that const dynamicPageURLs = => item[linkField]); However, I have searched everywhere (and also tried a WixData query instead) but I can not find out how to refer to a Page Link field that is accessed via a Reference field. I hope you can help. This is my first post - please go easy on me...


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