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Forum Posts
Apr 23, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I followed the steps to create a wishlist using the steps found here: The functions did not work. Finally, I copied the code from the example site's product page and pasted it into my site's product page. After that, the link which prompts the customer to login in order to add products to their favorites, started working, so I made some progress. In creating the wishlist you are supposed to create 2 hearts, an empty one that is clicked to add product, and a full one showing it is added. The hearts are created overlapping - you should see only one heart on the live site. I followed the instructions with the code exactly and created the heart icons but they would not function at all. Then copied and pasted code from example site (below) and got the login prompt functioning but not the hearts. On the live site you can see both hearts overlapping, instead of just seeing one heart the way it's supposed to be. When you click them nothing happens. You can click the login prompt and it will bring you to login. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Please, please help if you have created a wishlist or understand wix code. I'm willing to pay for help. The code I have on my product page is copied and pasted from the example site which is shown below: //-------------Imports-------------// // Import the wix-data module for working with queries. import wixData from 'wix-data'; // Import the wix-users module for working with users. import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; //-------------Global Variables-------------// // Current product. let product; // Current user. let user = wixUsers.currentUser; //-------------Page Setup-------------// $w.onReady(async function () { // Get the currently displayed product. product = await $w('#productPage1').getProduct(); // Check if the current product is in the wishlist and act accordingly. checkWishlist(); // Set the action that occurs when the login message is clicked to be the loginMessageClick() function. $w('#loginMessage').onClick(loginMessageClick); }); // Check if the current product is in the wishlist and act accordingly. async function checkWishlist() { // If the current user is logged in: if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) { // Query the "products-wishlist" collection to find if the product was already added to the user's wishlist. let wishListResult = await wixData.query("products-wishlist") .eq("product", product._id) .eq("userId", .find(); // If the product was already added to the user's wishlist: if(wishListResult.items.length > 0) // Show the "inWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#inWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100}); // If the product was not yet added to the user's wishlist: else // Show the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#notInWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100}); } // If the current user is not logged in: else { // Show the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#notInWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100}); } } //-------------Event Handlers-------------// // Set the action that occurs when the "inWishList" image is clicked. export function inWishList_click(event, $w) { // If the current user is logged in: if (user.loggedIn) // Remove the current product from the wishlist. removeFromWishlist(); } // Set the action that occurs when the "notInWishList" image is clicked. export function notInWishList_click(event, $w) { // If the current user is logged in: if (user.loggedIn) // Add the current product to the wishlist. addToWishlist() // If the current user is not logged in: else // Show the login message. $w('#loginMessage').show(); } // Set the action that occurs when the login message is clicked. async function loginMessageClick() { // Set the login options. let options = {"mode": "login"}; // Hide the login message. $w('#loginMessage').hide(); // Prompt the user to login using the options created above. await wixUsers.promptLogin(options); } //-------------Wishlist Functionality-------------// // Add the current product to the current user's wishlist and update the page accordingly. async function addToWishlist() { // Create the wishlist item relating the current product to the current user. let wishListItem = { product: product._id, userId: }; // Hide the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#notInWishList').hide('fade', {duration: 100}); // Show the "inWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#inWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100}); // Insert the item created above into the "products-wishlist" collection. let result = await wixData.insert("products-wishlist", wishListItem); } // Remove the current product to the current user's wishlist and update the page accordingly. async function removeFromWishlist() { // Query the "products-wishlist" collection to find the wishlist item corresponding to the current product and current user. let wishListResult = await wixData.query("products-wishlist") .eq("product", product._id) .eq("userId", .find(); // If a wishlist item was found: if (wishListResult.length > 0) { // Show the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#notInWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100}); // Hide the "inWishList" image with a fade effect. $w('#inWishList').hide('fade', {duration: 100}); // Remove the wishlist item from the "products-wishlist" collection. await wixData.remove("products-wishlist", wishListResult.items[0]._id) } }

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