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Forum Posts

Peter Roberts
Apr 18, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Header menus are not responsive. E.g. If I click lets say 'about us' or any other page in my menu on my site. It then feels like it hasn't been clicked because it takes forever for the page to kick in and load. I am guessing this again is down to the poor speed from WIX
Peter Roberts
Apr 16, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Wix needs to sort out the speed with it's code and slow servers. All sites on Wix are extremely slow making SEO impossible. Not only is it not SEO friendly, it is NOT user friendly. Bounce rates using WIX is extremely high. This is NOT acceptable. This is NOT what WIX customers are paying for. WIX needs to get out of the darkages and live in the present world, being 2019. - Images on my site are compressed. - Pages are cached Elements on site don't load i.e. WIX faq app, so people will stroll to the bottom of the page missing important information at the top because it don't load. When you click a page menu link it feels as if you haven't clicked anything because of the time it takes to register and load. Speedtest score using Google Insights 10/100 on every page. There is no point having a site with such a slow speed. Waste of time, and money because WIX cannot fix it. Just Google 'Wix is'. Need I say any more...
WIX website speeds are ridiculously slow content media

Peter Roberts

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