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Forum Posts

Claudio Covone
Jul 27, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I need some assistance on the product page. I have created copy/text/images on the editor underneath the description that is taken from the Manage Products page. I have a 3rd party review app installed and the code seems to be right under the description of the product description. So any design element I add on the page goes underneath the review. I need the review code to be closer to the footer, so anything I add would be above the review. I believe this is not that 3rd party code, but the code is within the editor and needs to be moved. See image. Hope someone. note I'm not a coder so I couldn't know how and where to add this. thank you for any help. thanks Claude
Product Page (placement of review app on page) content media

Claudio Covone

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