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Picture Rocks Observatory
Aug 19, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I have a cataloged dataset with a type dropdown list. But some of my items have more than one value in the same text field column. Ex. Text field type for the item is RRIP and LIP (astronomy terms) Last row. Text field read "RRIP" but I need it to read "RRIP, LIP" I tried using tags to read into the drop-down values, but I have not yet figured out to make that work because you can not connect the tags to show on the online table, so going to stick to text value. These are my dropdown list choices but I need to be able for the item to read the text field so the item can show up in two of the dropdown list choices. CoThe codede for reading is this but I don't know how to distinguish the value into the value for the choices. I rarely HTML code so I have forgotten how to do this. $w.onReady(() => { $w('#dataset1').onReady(() => { count(); $w('#typeDropDown, #types, #additional').onChange(() => { search(); }) $w('#clear').onClick(() => { $w('#types, #additional').value = ""; $w('#typeDropDown').value = ""; $w('#dataset1').setFilter(wixData.filter()) .then(count); }); Can anyone please help me? I know it is probably something simple that I am forgetting.
Dataset. Read text into multiple dropdown list content media

Picture Rocks Observatory

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