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Quin van Vegchel
Jul 29, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi there! I'm creating a wixData.query based on a string called as stringValue and the stringValue is the partner of the title. After I want to sort the results based on the 'value' field in the database. My code looks like this: wixData.query("Products") .contains("title", request.path[0]) .or( wixData.query("Products") .eq("partner", request.path[0]) ) .ascending("value") .find() Why does this give no results? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Jul 24, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi there! It is possible to change values in a database every day automatically based on some if statements. If it is, how can I do it? Thanks in advance! Sketching the project: I have a database with products. A field in that database is the price of the product. (It is btw not Wix Stores) I want every day to check some things for each product and if the statements are true update the price of the product. And all that automatically every day.
Quin van Vegchel
Jan 17, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi there! I'm connecting my own wix website's data with another company's website. The other website is just plain HTML, CSS and Javascript. I'm trying to connect data by create HTTP functions in the backend. Now I can get data from my collection and display then on the other html website. This works great! However, when I want to use images from the database I run into some problems. The JSON file that is created uses a link for a image starting with wix:image://. I can't use this in my html. Does anyone know how I can display images from the database in a html file using HTTP functions? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Oct 13, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Does anyone know how to capture a key press just on the page. With no input of all kind on the page. Like CTRL + V or something. Let me know! Thanks in advance.
Quin van Vegchel
Aug 29, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I want to prevent that some of my pages are used in an iFrame on another website. On the internet, I can only find solutions in HTML, but that's not supported in Wix. Does anyone know how to do this for each individual page in Wix? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Jul 30, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! Is there a way to create a new browser window? Like you see when you use Google/Facebook login or pay with PayPal? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Jul 20, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I can figure out how to achieve this. Please help. What needs to happen: In a repeater, there are several items. These items are connected to a database with a field named 'Position'. The repeater must sort the items by the position from low to high. So when I delete item 3 using remove() by clicking a delete button within the item, the items 4 and 5 in this example, but actually all items higher than 3 must decrease by 1. Because then everything is correct again. 1-2-3-4. Otherwise, it will be 1-2-4-5. Thanks a lot!
Repeater position change content media
Quin van Vegchel
Jul 09, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I have a database with a lot of fields. When a visitor changes an input on my site, it needs to be updated in the database. It is not a dynamic page and I don't have a dataset on my page. The only thing I have is the ID of the item that needs to be updated. When I use wixData.update I need to name every field in the database otherwise I will update to a blank field. Is there another way to update just one field in a database with just knowing the item ID? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Jul 05, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I have a repeater on a page. And with a piece code, I managed to filter the data. But now, I want to know how many items are shown after the filter. I don't know how to do this and couldn't find anything in the corvid API reference that worked. This is my filter code: $w.onReady( function() { $w('#dynamicDataset').onReady(async () => { let item = await $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem(); let currentStudio = item._id; $w("#dataset1").setFilter( wixData.filter() .eq("studio", currentStudio) ) }) })
Quin van Vegchel
Jun 22, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, It is possible to get the code for an HTML component from a database. If so, how to do that? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Jun 19, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi There! When a user clicks button3 within a repeater item. The value of the field 'place' must increase by 1. and update to the database. I'm pretty new to javascript and I write this code with the API reference. But it doesn't work! Can anyone help me? export function button3_click(event) { //button3 is within the repeater item. let $item = $; let item = $item("#dataset1").getCurrentItem(); let position =; let itemid = item._id; console.log(position); let newPosition = position + 1; console.log(newPosition); console.log(itemid); let toSave = { "_id": itemid, "place": newPosition,"myCollection", toSave); };
Quin van Vegchel
Jun 09, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi! I'm trying to check if the previous url contains ''. So it doesn't matter what page. So needs to work as well. If the previous url contains the visitor needs to be redirected to /dashboard. If the previous url doesn't contain the visitor needs to be redirected to /invoices. This is my code but it doesn't work. $w.onReady(function() { var referrer = wixWindow.referrer; console.log(referrer); var check = referrer.indexOf('') ? "true": "false"; console.log("check = "+ check) if (check === "true") {'/invoices') } if (check === "false") {'/dashboard') } })
Quin van Vegchel
May 14, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I want to display the current time of the audio player in a Text element. I've tried this but it doesn't work. Can anyone help me? let currentTime =$w("#myAudioPlayer").currentTime $w.onReady(function(){ $w("#textElement").text = currentTime; }
Quin van Vegchel
May 03, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hey There! I don't know much about Javascript so I hope someone can help me achieve this. This is what I'm trying to achieve: ^ In the Database named 'Studio' there's a Text field named 'TextColor'. On the first dynamic page named '/a/editor/studio1' the client set the value of TextColor to'#000000. As you can see, the text 'WavePhotos' appear in black. v On the second dynamic page named '/a/editor/studio2' the client set the value of TextColor to '#ed6300. As you can see, the text 'WavePhotos' appear in orange. v Does anyone know how to achieve this with code. So the client can change the text color? Thank You!! PS: I want to use it for more elements like buttons and boxes.
Change Color using Data and Javascript content media
Quin van Vegchel
Apr 02, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hey! Is it possible to change the colour of an item like a box, button or background of a strip to a colour code that's stored in the database? So an item named colourBox has a value of #FFFFFF. So on that particular dynamic page, the box needs to be displayed white. But on another dynamic page, the value is #000000 so it needs to be displayed in black. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
Quin van Vegchel
Mar 31, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hey! I stuck with this problem! In a database a column says 'Pro' and the item value is 'false'. I want to hide an element like a box at the specific item page because the value is false. But if the value is true the box is visible. Does anyone know how to do this in Javascript? I don't know much about Javascript so I hope you guys can give me a clear explanation. Thanks in advance!

Quin van Vegchel

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