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Rémi Pommereuil
Aug 10, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I'm creating a page with differents publications. Users can check a multicheckbox to filter a category of publications. I wrote the code for it and it works properly. However, when no category is checked, I would like all publications appear on the page.. but I can't find the right code.. Could someone help me to find the right solution please ? Here is my code : import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady(function () { filterView(); $w("#checkboxGroup1").onChange( (event, $w) => { filterView(); }); }); function filterView(){ var categoriesFilter = $w("#checkboxGroup1").value console.log('categories',categoriesFilter); $w("#publications").setFilter(wixData.filter() .hasSome("categories",categoriesFilter) ) .then( () => { let count = $w("#publications").getTotalCount(); if(count === 0){ $w("#repeater1").hide(); }else{ $w("#repeater1").show(); } } ) .catch( (err) => { console.log(err); } ); } For more precisions : my dataset name is : publications publications are in a repeater called "repeater1" the dataset field filtered is : categories and the mutlicheckbox is "checkboxGroup1" Thanks a lot for your help !! 🙂
How to show all items while filters are unchecked content media

Rémi Pommereuil

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