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Forum Posts

Aug 15, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I want to customize the "Tag" on the product. Please see attached file named 1 for how it looks like on my site now. I want to edit it to the similar layout as picture 2. I can code some java scipt - so please advice how to code it if there is no feature for this in your wix store editor. Please all coders and Wix coders - chime in! PICTURE 1 PICTURE 2
CUSTOMIZE TAG content media
Jul 15, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone, I know that Wix announced that they dont have features to customize ribbons in the wix store such as font, font color and placement. But I can change the background color in Wix tools and that I already managed. But DO YOU AWESOME CODE-GUYS out there know If I can program this by myself? I would like the ribbons to be 3-4 mm shorter on each end, change color of the text (now its white) Please if anyone knows anything, please help. Thanks in advance


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