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Forum Posts

Sep 19, 2018
In Coding with Velo
hi i have a dynamic page where I would like to sisplay for several countries seveal hotels. the number of hotels varies from country to country. I do not wan to display it in a list but in Boxes like in screenshot no1. it seems ther is something wrong with the database i did set up. (screenshot2) as on the page the same hotel is displayed again and again instead of one time each. screenshot 3 shows the unique url setup. Either with the DB or the URL it seems something is wrong. has anybody an idea how to solve? Screenshot1 dynamic page Screenshot2 database screenshot 3 URL
Database setup content media
Sep 17, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have a webpage where I have a dynamic page which shows a list of Hotels, there I will have a button "info" whcih then links to another page which shows details of a singele hotel. the final detailled Hotelpages are static, because several parts in this page I can´t build in a dynamic page (more than one foto of the hotel - i would like to have a gallery there) as well price tables. How do I have to setup the URL whcih I add to the database so that it redirects to the final page?
Sep 09, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I managed to fill the dymanic page with the DB content. but now I stuck with the formatting of the textbox. My text has some sentences followd by some bullet point statements and finishes with text again. I have all in one box and i can´t format as I would like. Even when I separate the text in three boxes (Box 1 text, Box 2 Bulletstatements, Box 3 Text) the part with the bulletstatements gets just one Bullet and puts all following statements in on. any idea what i could do?


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