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Sandy Reeder Cureton
Oct 04, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have a list of my collection, and I had it working so that you pick a person, it opens the record. You can update the information and click the update button and it updates the record. It was working fine, and I updated 281 out of 415 records. Haven't worked on for about 2 weeks. Today when I started, I am not sure exactly what it is doing. but the changes, even though they show up on the page, do not stick. Meaning when I go back to the list to the same record, the changes are not made. Promise I made no changes to the code and it has just quit working. here is the url I am going to unprotect the page so that someone can go check it out.
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Sep 11, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Can someone help me fix this logic error. It works fine as long as I just check the logged on user vs the email address in my data record, but I am unable to add an additional check to see if the logged in user is me, or has a role of admin? so that I can edit any record. I tried both with && and || - in both cases, it falls through and does not disable, if not me or the same email as the logged on user. // Check if logged in user matches email address in page import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; //import wixData from 'wix-data'; let userRole = wixUsers.currentUser.role; $w.onReady(function () { const userDataset = $w('#dynamicDataset') ;// Dataset of the page //................................. wixUsers.currentUser.getEmail() .then( (email) => { if (userDataset.getCurrentItem().emailAddress !== (email && "" )) {$w("#update").disable();} }); });
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Sep 08, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Following is the ample for how to use the wix user api from the support information. import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; // ... let user = wixUsers.currentUser; let userId =; // "r5cme-6fem-485j-djre-4844c49" let isLoggedIn = user.loggedIn; // true let userRole = user.role; // "Member" Can someone explain what the following 3 lines are doing? All of the wix user api examples have this same example. user.getEmail() .then( (email) => { let userEmail = email; // "" } ); What I want to do is revert instead of update if the email address of the current user is not the same as the email in the record which is in the dynamic page. result -User A can change their own information but they can't change someone else's. I created an onclick event for the update button, and am looking to put the code there. This is in my site, but I have another use if I can just get this to work.
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Sep 01, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Is it possible to export the contacts collection for the site to a csv? Is it a collection named "contacts"?
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Sep 01, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have successfully created a JSON csv file and uploaded the information to my collection. The example was GREAT!! This will help me a bunch. I do have one question. I have uploaded to my wix image uploads in a folder called PNG Grads, 470 images. can you tell me how to address those when I import the JSON. In the collection, it shows the filename only, so not sure whether that would work but seems more would be required to resolve. If there is no solution at this time to connect to those images during the import, I will have to update each record individually to add the one or two images I want in each collection row.
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 21, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have an index to my collection. there are links to the details page for that row which are linked using URL. I have an update page is have a link either from the table or the detail page which goes to the input page. I added a button to the dynamic/detail page, and pointed it to update, hoping that the collection pointer would be on the record I was on. How can I send a parameter to the page from my button so that the update page goes to the one I am searching for. Or to not presume the answer, I need to be able to search for a collection record and send that record id to the update page. Hope that makes sense. Alternatively, add a user input search field to the input page and make it the filter? Here is a link to the index page. If you select as an example, the name in the first row, it will go to the detail page, where there is the update button. If you click it, it will go to the update page with a different person. I'm good with a code example if code is needed.
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 17, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I successfully (after help pounters from Sam) created a form which can add members to my collection. I tried to duplicate the page, change the dataset link to read/write, and add next/previous buttons. The page works in that you can select it and use the next/previous buttons, but if you change the content and press submit, it doesn't work . Any ideas?
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 17, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I created an table which is linked to a collection. I copied the page, twice and changed the filters on the two subsequent pages. When I click manage dataset and change the filters, it changes the dataset links/filters on the other two pages. I tied changing the dataset name, I tried, deleting the dataset connection and adding another one with a different name. Nothing seems to work. In addition to changing the filter on the additional pages, I also wanted to change the columns. That is working because the table objects are unique. The datasets seem to be the same. Here is a link to the page which is supposed to be filtered by "missing". The filters do work, but I removed them from the pages, so I can still see my list. Not sure if this is a bug or user error. Probably the latter.
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 15, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have tried this several ways with no success. First not sure difference between a plain page which I add a dataset to, and a dynamic page. My class index page if you click on a row or the userid column was linking to a detail page. I have tried this multiple different times/ways. First I had a link on only one row. Now I do have links on all the rows when I look at in the sandbox and in the live dataset, but none of the rows have a link. Also created a new item input form, The submit button appears to work, and the images I upload appear in the image boxes, but the data is not being updated into the database. Sorry for what I expect are user error. Here is URL, it is live with disclaimers for any real lookers.
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 10, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I created an index page for my collection. Have 4 rows in the test data. Have synced etc to the live database. As to tonight, it displays an error code of "Error: Collection name must be a string." Collection name was not changed. website is The error code comes up when running firefox. Works on ipad and on IE
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 06, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Assume this just isn't available yet? or is it a feature :-)
Sandy Reeder Cureton
Aug 06, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Creating a directory and don't want to reenter 450 rows of information. Can I upload into either the sandbox collection and/or the live dataset.

Sandy Reeder Cureton

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