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Forum Posts

Dec 03, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have series of dropdown boxes. On station view, they are all 46px high; on mobile view, they are 30px high. I have to adjust the position of two of these boxes by one pixel as they are not properly aligned with the other boxes. When changing in the station view, the boxes then automatically become 46px in mobile view!! And when adjusting these boxes to 30px on mobile view, then they automatically become 30px in station view!! And when adjusting the position (X/Y) on mobile view of a 30px box, the same box then automatically becomes 30px in station view ... CRAZY!! Please kindly assist. Thanks,
Aug 28, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Even though these 2 boxes have exactly same Y coordinates (see attachment below) ... ... they actually are not properly aligned in the published version of the website (see below). Can anybody assist to solve this issue? Thanks a lot
Alignment of 2 boxes content media
Apr 01, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have several tables on my website, all of them are set to automatically resize their height since the number of rows can change from one day to the next. These tables have been resizing well for several months. It is now a week or so that the height does not properly resize. There is a small difference which actually seems to be proportionate with the total height of the table (the longer the table the bigger the difference). See screenshots attached for reference. Thanks for your assistance.
Tables which do not automatically resize content media
Jan 23, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I use the WixLocation API to identify first and last names of the current user in a dynamic page [ let lastName = wixLocation.path[1]; let firstName = wixLocation.path[2]; ] and then proceed with some additional features. It works perfectly with one exception: When the user has a double first or double last names (let's suppose his first name is Jean Baptiste), then the wixLocation.path[1] gives jean-baptiste with a hyphen in the middle. And it then prevents all of my next additional features. Is there any way I can remove this hyphen in between these two names? Thanks for yoru reply.
Dec 23, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have a table displaying / sorting a collection. Each cell (entire row) of is linked to a dynamic page. The links work well on Desktop view but do not work on Mobile view. URL is It is related to the second serie of dropdowns. Thanks for assistance
Dec 20, 2017
In Coding with Velo
The whole website is for members only (password protected). I am on a dynamic page that lists (among some other details) first and last names of a member that has registered to an event (see print-screen of the page and the code below). If the logged-in member (here are currentFirst and currentLast) is looking at one event he has registered (here are lastName and firstName), I would then need a group of texts and boxes to appear ('cancelationOrRevise'). url is www.shanghaigolfersclub/Registrations/{Date Event}/{Last Name}/{First Name} Something is wrong with code but I cannot figure out what. Can you kindly assist? Thanks a lot
Current user vs. other user on dynamic page [Solved] content media
Dec 20, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have a public page (not password protected) with a gallery of images (5 pics total). These pictures do not appear. They appear properly after member enter their password. This page was working perfectly well before and no any change was made. Please see on Thanks for the fix
Dec 05, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hi everyone, I created an automatic email as per It works great. Thanks. But I would like the person not to fill-in an email address since all my members (website is for members only) are registered into an appropriate collection with their respective email addresses. I want the person to only fill in first and last names, then filter the dataset so the 'const recipient' gets automatically called. See attached below print-screen. I cannot manage to isolate the email and get it called into the recipient variable. Please kindly assist. Thanks a lot
Automatic email to logged-in member content media
Nov 29, 2017
In Coding with Velo
In another post, Jeff mentioned : QUOTE BTW- I noticed that your first name dropdown isn't filtering based on the last name selection. Your firstnamebox_change function needs to look like this:export function firstnamebox_change() { let firstName = $w('#firstnamebox').value; $w('#registrationsdataset2').setFilter(wixData.filter() .eq('firstName', firstName) .eq('title',$w("#lastnamebox").value) ); $w("#tableofevents").show(); } UNQUOTE My original code is: export function lastnamebox_change (event) { $w("#tableofevents").hide(); //First Name to be automatically filled-in depending on Last Name selected let lastName =; $w('#registrationsdataset2').setFilter(wixData.filter().eq('title',lastName)); } export function firstnamebox_change() { //Once First Name is selected, table with all events appear let firstName = $w('#firstnamebox').value; $w('#registrationsdataset2').setFilter(wixData.filter().eq('firstName', firstName)); $w("#tableofevents").show(); } Jeff, from the best of my tests, my code works fine (except as per my other post, when I remove duplicates of last names and deselect 'Connect dropdown list items'). I actually have a slightly simpler situation into another page ( since the first dropdown is already referenced with all 12 months of the year. Code as per below. Same as before, my code gives the proper results but my second dropdown (dateofevent) is frozen after the first request. If I deselect the 'Connect dropdown list items', then I do not have any values in the dropdown. Can you kindly have a look and let me know how to solve this. Thanks a lot
Filtering of 2 consecutive dropdowns content media
Nov 21, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have a dropdown to select some first names of members participating to some events. One member can be registered to many events (say 5) and therefore his name will appear 5 times into the dropdown list. How can I eliminate the identical 4 and only show 1 such name in the list? Thanks,
Nov 07, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Below is code which is filtering my dataset to have appropriate info after selecting details in a dropdown menu. Selecting Date of Event should automatically select the corresponding Place of Event. Selecting Last Name should automatically select the corresponding First Name(s). I was working perfectly well till yesterday. Now, it does not filter any more and gives me following line in the console. I have another page with the same sort of code / filtering of datasets and it also does not work any more. To the best of my knowledge, I did not change the code nor did I change anything in the datasets (especially key fields and field types). Can you please assist in resolving this issue? Thanks,
Filters of dataset not working any more content media
Nov 06, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have one page filtering a dataset in 2 different ways: 1. one shows to which event(s) a member of our group has registered; 2. another shows which member(s) has registered to which event(s). Each of these filtering works on its own. On desktop view, when I first filter by the second way (#2. above) and then first method (#1. above), it all works fine (at the end, I have a table of which event the member has registered). When I do the exact same on mobile view, it bugs and shows the same sort of table but replaces the first 2 columns with the date and place of event (when it shows the last and first names on desktop views as it is supposed to do). You can try on (only November and December events are referenced so far). Thanks
Oct 31, 2017
In Coding with Velo
One of my user input element (box) is connected to 'dataset1'. After filtering 'dataset1' by 'date', I obtain a 'text' result. What is the code to insert this 'text' into a 'dataset2' with the specific 'fieldname' and 'fieldkey' in the row that already contains the same 'date'? Thanks a lot for your assistance
Oct 31, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have 2 different pages with several user input elements (dropdowns, tables, boxes, ...) connected to 3 different datasets on both pages. Most of the user input elements work with filtering of databases (ie some dropdowns only have 1 or 2 choices left after the filtering is done). One page has a submit button (stay on the page once successfully submitted) while the other is simply filtering databases to present information in different forms. For both these pages, I would all input elements to be properly reseted once inquiries are done (submission (success or failure) on the first page, presentation of info in tables on the second page). How to do? Thanks a lot TT
Oct 25, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I created a form as per attached. 'Last Name' and 'First Name' both come from drop-down menu of my Directory database. I want the 'First Name' (or 'Last Name) to be then automatically recognized once 'Last Name' (or 'First Name') is called. Attention: some of my members have same last names (husbands and wives) and many have same first names ... I have tried several sort of codes, none of them works (below is last bit of attempt ...). Can anyone assist? Thanks,
Form: select 'Last Name' automatically selects 'First Name' content media
Oct 25, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I have several tables listing our members (174 total) in different sorted way via different datasets. They were working fine up to this morning. Now only the first 20 lines appear ... You can see on www.shanghai-gc/directory or /regular/3-weeks-registrations or /DFL/rc-points (log in removed for these pages). Pls kindly advise ... Thanks
Oct 23, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I am using both Wix Events and Wix Code in my site. But Wix Events does not allow me to directly link my members database with all our events (we have one eveng every saturday) and members registration to an event (since only approved members can register to our event). Consequently, our members cannot see who has previously registered to a coming event, cannot cancel their registration to an event, cannot see at whim events they have already registered, ... I am therefore considering 'creating' my own event feature using Wix Code. I currently bump on the problem of database collections: I have about 170 members in one collection, about 40 events per year listed in another collection but will probably need one more collection per each event (about 40 more collections?!?) to list all registrations to an event (one registration to an event consists of 1 to 9 different data depending on what sort of service the member is requesting). In short, it makes the job very complex using Wix Code ... My questions: - has anybody previously faced similar situation and created a similar event which I could 'copy' and adjust? - can anybody advise me on the best way/approach so I can avoid creating one database collection per each event? - Any other suggestions / advises? Thanks a lot for your assistance
Sep 27, 2017
In Coding with Velo
All of my users have to log in for entering the website. All members details are stored into a Directory DB. I created a form (attached) for each member to adjust / update their details. When the form loads, I want the existing details of the specific member (who has previously logged in) to load and not the details of some other members. I guess it is only very few code lines but I cannot figure out which ones when I read all posts and articles already published. Can anybody assist me? Thanks a lot
Loading members details in a editable form content media
Sep 25, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Hi, This page shows details of each of our member (let's say 100 members). I am member #20, I can see my own details as well as all other 99 members details. I have created an editable allowing me to revise my details. This page can open when clicking the 'Revise your Profile' button. This button is actually Hidden on load and I want it to only appear only when I am looking at my member #20 profile (in consequence, this button will not appear when i am looking at all other 99 members page). In short, it will allow each member to revise it's own details but not other members details. Can anybody help me with the code needed for this button to appear only for the registered user that is logged in the site? Thanks a lot.
Button that appears only for registered user content media
Sep 21, 2017
In Coding with Velo
Is it possible to crop images into an input user table (besides cropping each of them manually before importing them into a database). Indeed, my table of members looks messy as each member has different size picture ... Thanks a lot for assistance,


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