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Forum Posts

Shelly R.
May 05, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello community! I'm quite new to Wix Code / Corvid. I have an event site ( and we just had our annual event yesterday. I'd like to give attendees a way to write a review, including a rating, about the event. I'd like to show their individual review and star rating in a repeater. I've found this article on collecting & displaying ratings, but it only talks about showing aggregate rating data such as total # of ratings, average rating overall and the sum of all ratings submitted. How to simplify this to only show one user's rating in their collector box? Thanks for the help!
Shelly R.
Feb 22, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello. Newbie to Code here. I have a conference speaker presentations page at Some of the presenters have not provided a PDF file of their presentation yet. The field in my Speaker-presentation database is called "presentation". The button on the page is button1. How do I use Wix Code to hide button1 if the presentation field is empty? I've been through many similar questions in this forum, but nothing quite like this. Seems like a simple thing to do, but apparently not. :-( Thanks for the help! Shelly
Shelly R.
Jan 29, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello. New to WixCode. I have a "Speaker Info" database with a Document field type that allows speakers to upload their presentation. Field Name is Related Docs, field key is relatedDocs. Not all speakers will upload a document. I have a regular page set up to display speaker information, including a button for their presentation. How do I hide the button if there was no document uploaded? Thanks for the newbie help. :-)

Shelly R.

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